Danse Macabre: Feign Death

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"I would not wander so close to the edge young one," A soft voice echoes.

Shaking his head Impulse sits against the cool bedrock, "I'm hearing things again," He mumbles to himself.

"I am not just some voice, I don't think you are ready to know what I truly am."

"Ok, I've officially lost my mind," Impulse grumbles.

The voice laughs softy, "Sweet child, you are not insane. I am the void. I shall not say more than that."

Impulse backs away from the hole and towards the ladder a feeling of safety washes over him.

"Please don't leave. I would like to talk."

Stopping Impulse turns around slowly, "Okay."

"Thank you, after you became infused with void I was able to speak with you. You just thought that I was the sound the void makes. Which in a way is true," The more Void talks the less threatening and more peaceful it sounds, "Tell me young one what happened to infuse you and void."

"Uh, there's a meteor that's been turning my friends and I into different things. He won't let us leave so we just have to make do..."

"That fiend. If only she were still here..."

"When you said I was infused with void what do you mean?"

After a moment the Void answers, "I am the void, bedrock is the barrier between me and my siblings. You may have bedrock patches but your eyes and blood are void. You are one of my Voidlings."

A warm feeling takes hold and Impulse nods softly, "Oh, uh is it bad to have holes in the bedrock?"

The void laughs for a moment, "No child, a very long time ago I would have swallowed the world. Now I am no longer in charge or such things."

Nodding sagely Impulse looks at his hands. The bedrock patches seem to reflect the void.

"I will protect you from wandering too close to the edge but when you are ready and step off. I will be here to welcome and great you," With that the void falls silent and Impulse is left frozen looking into the starry void glittering below.


Joe squeaks in pure terror as he's suddenly falling. Thankfully Cloe had the common sense to catch him. She gently sets him down on the end table and shoots Xisuma a message.

"Ok, X will be here in a few minutes," Cleo says as she inspects the tiny bat.

He's light brown and is about the size of her palm. Despite the fact that he had fallen and is still in shock from turning into a bat he looks relatively ok. He wiggles around on the table attempting to sit up.

"Joe," Cleo says softly to get his attention, "You're an evening bat."

Joe squeaks quietly before inspecting his wings.

The room is deathly silent as Xisuma walks in. Cleo points him over to where Joe is sitting.

"So, shapeshifting..." Xisuma grins softly under his mask, "That'll be fun once you get used to it, won't it?"

The bat softly nods his head and squeaks.

"Do you think you'll be able to shift into other animals," Xisuma asks as he lets Joe pull himself up onto his hand.

Joe shrugs, as Cleo hands Xisuma the vampire book, "So far he's been following the vampires from this. It says they can turn into snakes and wolves along with being bats."

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