Shifting Sands 2: Lions And Cats?

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As Cub and Xisuma exit the portal into the pyramid, Cub grunts in pain as he scratches his arm by accident.

Seeing this Xisuma's tail flicks in sympathy, "You'll be able to file them down once the meteor stops affecting you."

"That's, good," Cub mutters inspecting the claws, "Yours aren't filled down?"

"No, it's easier for me to keep them, since I will walk on all fours sometimes they are handy to have and I have much stronger instincts than most people who get affected," He explains.

Cub nods as he brings Xisuma over to a sitting area. The pair sit for a few hours and talk. Eventually, Xisuma heads home. Cub heads off and gets ready for bed.

The next morning something is off, Cub notices his hearing is a little bit better than normal. Reaching up to feel his ears, he isn't met with the expected flesh. No, instead he's met with soft fur.

Growling slightly he stands up and wanders over to the nearest mirror. His ears have most definitely changed. Instead of the normal fleshy human ears, his ears have elongated into some sort of cat ears. They extend about six inches above his head. They are a sandy tan on the insides and around where they attach to his head. Stretching from where his normal ears would have been to about a third of the way up his head. Most of the back of the ears is covered with black fur with a stripe of white running across the middle.

He facepalms and grabs his communicator to call Scar. As he struggles to type because his claws get in the way, a loud clatter draws his attention. His ears swivel around towards the source of the sound. Looking around for it Cub discovers a zombie pigman had wandered into his base.

Carefully he ushers the piglin back into the nether. Rolling his eyes he decides not to call Scar, it wasn't like his ears are causing him any problems. So he decides to keep working on the interior of the pyramid.

As the day progresses Cub starts to notice something slightly off. His balance, it wasn't normal, he keeps nearly stepping backward off the scaffolding and leaning forwards more. After a while, he decides to go get some lunch.

As he makes his food he frowns softly, his lower back is beginning to hurt. Not a lot, but enough for it to be noticeable. Brushing it off as nothing Cub continues to work.

He keeps going until night. He changes into pajamas and falls asleep almost instantly. As the night slowly passes something begins to change. His tailbone grows, it stops when it reaches his knees. It grows the same sandy fur as the base of his ears and small leopard-like spots.

Upon waking Cub immediately feels the difference and stumbles to his feet. He finds his balance fairly easily as his body was already behaving like it had the tail. He messages Scar telling him about the tail. He replies saying he'll be over right away.


"Are you telling me you forgot?" Scar asks doubtfully, "How can you forget that your ears are like that."

"I didn't really think about it," Cub responds still with a little bit of a lisp.

Scar smiles and flutters down from where he was perched on a stack of chests and lands on Cub's head, "I still don't see how that's a valid response."

Cub shrugs, "Yeah, I don't know."

In a multi-toned voice, Scar laughs, his Green eyes flashing blue, "That's crazy!"

Raising an eyebrow Cub asks, "Vex?"

"At your service," Vex Scar chips as he floats swirling around Cub's head, "We thought it would be best to give you a warning of what is to come."

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