In Her Image

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The meteor reminds himself that this isn't Vex, it's just a player. A small power-less player. She is nothing.

But her magic is the same as lady vex. Turning his attention elsewhere he tries to ignore her. As it turns out this new hermit is quite friendly with the others. She's always talking to someone.

She is simply inescapable.

GeminiTay, one of the two new hermits. The meteor hums to himself as he stands alone in his prison.

Walking slowly to a window he looks out into an inky expanse of nothing, "She must be dealt with."

From his dip in the void his magic supply has been depleted grately. His source from the hermits, gone as well. That dragon and Her servant.

Laughing harshly to himself Avar looks away from the window, of all places to effect. He just had to choose the one with Her right hand man.

The Nether lord is back as well.

His plan is crumbling.

Gathering up some magic he starts weaving together the spell. He won't spend much time on this one. It opens long festering wounds, wounds that he's starting to understand. Wounds that are no one's fault but his own.

And yet he persists, using his magic to bring harm to others. Thinking that that would solve his problems. It never will. All Because OF HER.

With that the spell is complete. The meteor let's out a burst of magic that knocks the magically sensitive hermits to the ground.

And one GeminiTay falls to the earth, unmoving.


Slamming his hands over his ears Joe shudders and crouches low to the ground.

Cleo's at his side in a heartbeat. Not that the wooden doll has a heart to beat or that it even would be beating, as she was dead before being wood, "Joe, Joe are you ok?" She shakes his shoulders.

His form flickers and then warps, shifting into his true, much more monstrous form, "I-I don't know," He murmurs, "I can feel something..." with that he vanishes from the castle.


Gasping as she sits up Gem groans, "What happened?"

Brushing the dust from her pants she stumbles to one of the benches in her base.

A knock comes from the door.

"Oh, come in," Gem calls over, "The door's not locked."

Pushing the door open, Joe spots Gem and walks over, he's back in his human form, "Howdy, Gem," He smiles, just a bit too widely to be completely human, "Uh, that's strange..."

"What?" Gem asks, voice filling with panic.

"You've been affected but you look normal," Joe hums, effectively calming her, "I can't feel the meteor any more..."

"Is that good or bad?" Gem hums softly, narrowing her eyes at Joe.

Joe shrugs, "Not sure. I'm going to try and see if something works, just sit there and watch."

Nodding Gem watches transfixed as Joe seems to sparkle then shift his form, transforming into a massive being with curling antlers. Some extra magic waves off and Gem feels something give way.

Shrinking down to human sized Joe catches her before she could hit the ground.

Opening her eyes Gem notices something is wrong, her eyes are in the wrong place, Joe's even bigger than he should be... the house is too big, "Oh, i've shrunk."

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