Hurting Hermits 4: Tail^3

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Rolling to his paws, Etho stretches out. The night before he had run all around his base in a wild game of tag that he had lost. He grins softly as he bops Side Kit with his nose.

Side kit stands up and shakes his fur out, giving a large toothy yawn. Etho shifts into his human form and yawns as well, stretching his arms up over his head.

His tails swirl hypnotically as he wanders around his bedroom getting dressed. His back feels a bit weird but Side Kit had been sleeping on him so nothing really jumps out at him as wrong.

He walks around his monstrosity and does his morning chores. Feeding the lama. Watering the plants. A little cleaning here and there. Along with picking the things he and Side Kit had kicked over during the night's games.

As he moves into the kitchen he makes some food and sits down next to Side Kit who burrows into his tails and gickers loudly for attention. Idly scratching the fox's ears, Etho yawns and scrolls through his communicator.

Soon after he finishes eating and cleaning up, he grabs his set of fur brushes and gets to work. Grooming and brushing his tails out takes a while and he does it every day.

Apparently, he's shedding so he brushes out a large amount of his undercoat. By the time he's got one tail done he has a nice pile of fur; it's about the size of Side Kit.

Pulling his second tail Over he blinks. If there's one tail that's on either side, then... "Holy crap, I've got a new tail." He whispers and pulls the new one out and gently pats it before continuing to brush.

EthosLab: I got a new tail!

TangTek: Zed has horns.

EthosLab: Oh snappers.

EthosLab: anyone else have anything new?

Keralis: I do and shishwaymy does.

TangoTek: Sound off in chat if you notice anything else.

Slipping the device back into his pocket Etho grabs a red shulker box and gets to work on his base. The third tail isn't much different than the other two. It's a bit more sensitive than the other two but that will fade with time.

It doesn't trip him up or make him stumble. It's a pretty normal feeling and fills him with pride. Like by having the tail he's accomplished something important.


I have something called dysgraphia so I can't always tell when I have spelled things right so unless something's unreadable please don't say anything about my spelling mistakes

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