Trick Or Treat

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Groaning as he rubs his side Tango huffs, he's respawned again.

A small bundle of clothes fall onto his lap, "What is this?" He asks looking up at Zedaph.

Zedaph grins, "Halloween costume."

Blinking at him, Tango frowns, "I respawned like five minutes ago..."

"I got it just in case," Zedaph grins.

Tango squints at Zed then opens the package. His face lights up, "Perry the Platypus," Tail flicking excitedly he fluffs his wings out and puts the onesie on.

"That's adorable," Zedaph grins, giving Tango a high-five, "We'll take you to everyone's base to go trick or treating," Zedaph suggests, "That sounds good?"

Tango nods, "Yeah, and I can't watch the movies you guys picked right now," They picked some of the scary Halloween movies, and on personal preference Tango doesn't watch them as a kid.

Later that night when the sun is about to start setting, Tango sets out to get some candy.

It goes pretty smoothly, until they hit Jevin's base. The slime spots Tango and instantly Splits into four.

"Oh," One of them shakes softly.

"That wasn't."


"Wait," Tango looks up at Impulse with his best puppy dog eyes, "Can we all go to a homeworld and trick or treat?"

Impulse looks down at the mini Jevin's and hums, "Sure, just get some kinda costume on."

As the mini Jevin's scramble over each other to get inside Impulse kneels down to look at Tango, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, uh it won't be too bad," Tango nods, "And it's free candy, why would I say no to that."

"Do you want to go to our home world?" Impulse asks, "We could bother Skizz."

Tango's face lights up, "Yes."

Once the Mini Jevin's are back, and in costumes they set off for a home world.

As usual the hub is fairly crowded but once they get to the right area the crowd thin out.

There are a few families out gathering candy but it's not too crowded.

Impulse lets them run ahead and get candy on their own.

The mini Jevin's had basically chosen a color and made that their costume. Dressed in the same color and even dying their slime. Each one a different color, Red, Yellow, Blue, and purple, they were already green so they decided to change it up. They all wanted to be the same color, but they remembered they are in-fact a hive mind.

When they get to Skizz's house, Impulse walks up with them.

When Skizz opens the door he gives them candy then narrows his eyes as he spots Impulse, "Hey buddy, what brings you over here?"

Impulse taps Tango's head, "this one wanted to get candy."

Tango grins up at Skizz, "Look if I have to be a kid, I'm getting paid in candy."

"Up top buddy," Skizz gives him a high five, "And let me guess, you four are Jevin."

The mini Jevin's nod, "We're just here for candy."

Skizz nods, "I support that."

"What's your costume?" Tango asks, "I can't see..."

"I'm a wither," Skizz grins, "Well wither skeleton."

Tango's eyes widen, "That's so cool."

"Thank you," Skizz laughs.

As they move on Tango kinda zones out, "Home?" He asks as he yawns up at Impulse.

"Aww sure," Impulse takes his hand and starts leading them down to the portal hub.

Tango pulls back a little bit.

"Did you mean your house?" Impulse asks softly.

Nodding Tango pulls his hood down over his eyes.

Turning to the Mini Jevin's Impulse sighs softly, "You guys think you could reform?"

With a squelch Jevin reforms into a chaotic mess of color, "Yeah, I'll head back, tell them you two are spending the night here?"

"Yeah," Impulse grins softly, "Thank you."

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