Bring The Thunder... Far away from here thank you very much

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Thunder crashes loudly overhead. Ex makes a squeaking sound and covers his head with his blanket. The five year old hates the sound of thunder.

He's not just scared of it for no reason. He's been hit by lightning a few times and it's gotten close way too many times. Dad said it would happen again. That he's been glitched.

Almost like a lightning rod... there's not much that can stop it. So if it even looks like it might drizzle he's sent inside the house for safety.

They had contacted the watchers about it and he was put on the list. What the list is for, he's not too sure... but they said they would work on fixing the glitch for him.

Another bolt of lightning splits the sky.

Topinging head over heels, Ex falls out of his bed and hits the ground. Whimpering in pain and fright he runs over to his brother's bed.

"x," He whispers, "you awake?"

"Im now," the ten year old groans, "what?"

Pointing to the window, Ex shudders, "I don't like it."

"The rain... oh," Xisuma pulls his brother on his bed, "Here," he lifts the corner of his blanket and lets his brother snuggle into his side. In a matter of minutes they are sound asleep.

The brothers are awoken by the sound of a camera clicking, "alright you two, storm's over, go get ready for the day."


Thunder booms over the server, Ex yelps in fear and darts behind his brother.

Xisuma growls at the sky and flares his spines and tail out behind himself in a defensive pose.

After a few moments Xisuma shakes his head, laughs then looks to his little brother, "Well, some things will never change..."

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