Xisuma Just Wants Some Peace 2: Why are you like this?

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When Xisuma woke up he couldn't see anyone. He couldn't see much of anything really, as everything was a bit too bright.

Xisuma sits up and rubs at his face only to freeze when his hand brushed something hard. Following the thing up he found a pair of sharp horns on top of his head. As he runs his hands down passed the horns he felt his ears that had become pointed and stick out. As he sits on his bed eyes filling with tears he feels the mask covering the lower half of his face blinking the tears from his eyes he grabs the helmet from next to him, sliding the part of the helmet that helps him breathe out of its slot he Carefully swaps the masks out. As he looks around the room he finds a pair of sunglasses with a sticky note out on them saying since your helmet won't fit Ren's letting you borrow these. X puts the glasses on, smiling softly through the mask.

"Hey! Your awake," Jevin exclaims rushing over to Xisuma as soon as he walks in.

Xisuma opens his mouth to ask what happened and all that comes out is a jumbled mess of sounds.

"You good man?" This was the wrong thing to say as it caused Xisuma to start panicking, as he tried to speak. "X. Calm down," The slime commands. As Xisuma calmed down Jevin slowly explaining that his mouth and jaw had changed shape.

Xisuma grabbed the mask pushing it down and felt the misshapen jaw and mouth. After a moment X replaces the mask. He grabs a book that was in a nearby desk and frantically starts scribbling something down. He shoves the book at Jevin who reads what was written.

"You want this?" Jevin asks holding up a few parts from Xisuma's helmet.

Xisuma nods taking the parts and attaching them to the mask he had on. After a few minutes of working X slides the mask back on. It covered the bottom half of his face, allows him to speak and would stay on without needing any straps. "Where's Doc?"

Stress walks into the room holding some potions. "Doc? He's getting your brother,"

"Why, is he doing that?"

"We thought your helmet was broken, so we wanted to ask him about it. You were unconscious for a few days and we couldn't get it to work, so Doc and Grian went out to find him," Stress explains as she organizes the box of potions. "But, it doesn't seem like you need the helmet fixed,"

Jevin's communicator goes off with a message from Doc saying they would be back soon.


Shoving Jevin out of the way EvilX runs to his brother's side.

"Ex, don't push," Xisuma weakly scolds. Drawing his brother's attention up to his face.

"What happened?" EvilX gasps brushing his brother's hair out from his face tucking it behind one of the horns that had grown in.

Doc steps forwards as if to answer but is cut off by E.X. "I don't think I was asking you. Leave me with my brother. I'll send you a message when Xisuma can talk," As he says this E.X shoves Grian, Doc, Jevin, and Stress out the door. "Now, what happened?"

Xisuma lets out a sigh of relief, he props himself up to look at EvilX then completely breaks down. "I can't do anything. Bad things are happening to the server and I can't do anything to stop it,"

As his brother breaks down in tears EvilX gently pulls his brother closer wrapping him in a hug. "I don't know what's happening, but I promise that I will help you. Now, what is happening to you? Not the server, not anyone else, you,"

Xisuma takes a shaky breath then starts. "A week ago I was almost killed- don't give me that look- I was Surrounded by zombies when it just randomly turned to day. I apparently have access to commands and I don't need to use the block to do the simple ones anymore." Xisuma gives a small smile at this but it quickly falls. "Then last night these, quills, spikes-" Xisuma turns showing E.X the deadly spines on his back "- grew. It hurt so much. I called Doc and he's been helping. He had me change out of my armor," At this point, he looks up into his brother's eyes, solid tear-filled green meeting the red eyes of his brother.

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