Shifting Sands 1: It begins. (I feel like I i've already used this)

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Scar grins as he flits around his drill, it's getting better and better every day. Humming softly he lands on the enormous pile of shulkers, hearing his communicator beep he pulls it out to look at the notification.

It's from Cub, the message reads, "I got a map for a woodland mansion, do you want to explore it with me?"

Flicking his wings Scar shoots up into the sky, he answers Cub saying that he would love to explore the mansion.

They decide to meet at the pyramids and go from there. Scar grabs a shulker filled with adventuring supplies and flies to the pyramids. Landing next to Cub Scar taps his leg, "Hi Cub!"

"Hey Scar," Cub grins as he lets Scar settle on his shoulder, "You ready to go?"


The pair take off towards the mansion. They bring cake and cookies to give to the Vex as offerings so the others in the mansion will leave them alone.

Landing on a tree around the mansion Cub sets up a base camp as Scar flits up to a window and looks in. An evoker spots him and looks at him curiously.

"You don't seem Vex yet you are?" The Evoker questions, opening a window inviting Scar in.

"Something landed in the world and started changing players," Scar explains as he lands on a bookshelf.

The Evoker nods, "We have a legend of something like that, it should be recorded in one of the books near you."

"Thank you,"

"Wait, are you by any chance one of the ConVex?"

"I am, My name is Scar and my friend Cub here as well. How did you know?"

"A few months ago all my Vex started buzzing about the ConVex arriving in the world chased by a great evil," The Evoker nods before realizing something, "Is your friend still outside?"


"Why don't you go get him? We can discuss this further in one of the meeting halls. I'll find the book I was talking about and show it to you."

Scar nods and flies out the window and lands on a bed next to where Cub is sorting through a few boxes, "Hey, they want us to go to one of the meeting rooms."

Cub looks up from his box, "While you were inside, the communicators went off, it's doing something again."

"That's actually what they want to talk about, they have a legend about the meteor."

Cub's eyebrows shoot up, "Really?"

The duo make their way into the front entrance and are met by a vindicator, who nods and leads them safely through the mansion and into a meeting room. There's a pair of Evokers with five Vex floating near the ceiling. A pair of Vindicators stand guard outside the doors.

"Scar, thank you for agreeing to meet with us. I never introduced myself. My name is Aulë, I am the lead Evoker here and I am in charge of keeping the records."

The other Evoker speaks up, "I am called Mairon, I am the second in command and I am in charge of the staff."

"My name is Cub and we're exploring."

"Ok, I met Aulë. My name is Scar."

Aulë nods and motions for Scar to sit in one of the Vex sized chairs on the table, "If you do not mind we would like to hear the story of what has happened to you and your friends."

"Oh, Um, so in the last world, I was watching a meteor shower with some friends, and one hit really close to where we were standing. It hit one of my friends and he got affected first."

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