Hurting Hermits 1: Buzzing Bee

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Blinking Keralis squints in the sun. Grumbling to himself he darts into a shop. Looks like it's going to be one of those days... Everything's too bright and harsh today.

Sighing, he walks over to the marina and continues to work on his boats and lighthouse. Iskall's tree looms in the distance. The hours tick by and he throws his hands up and buzzes angrily.

He's just so frustrated by everything going wrong and not being able to see his boats from the sun reflecting onto the water. Walking onto the road he grumbles. He fell into the water, so now his wings are all wet.

A hiss comes from behind and then he's falling through the water into the underground spawn.

Pulling his communicator out he shoots the chat message. Then throws his communicator down.

Keralis: could someone get my stuff?

Xisuma: sure, are you ok

Xisuma: Keralis?

Xisuma: I got your stuff, I'm coming to find you

Walking down the dimly lit hallway Keralis buzzes, his useless wings flaring out as he walks forwards.

He comes into a large room with the meteor laying dormant nearby.

"Why," He glares, "everyone else gets something cool and you just make me useless," He spits out as he glares harshly at the hunk of rock.

The meteor glows slightly and changes colors as Keralis speaks, words start to appear on the screen, and Keralis gasps.

Burning tears drip from his eyes as he reads the message. Marching up he swiftly kicks the meteor.

He crumbles to the floor in pain, and cries. That's how Xisuma finds him slumped on the floor in tears.

"Keralis," He asks, "Are you ok?"

His antenna twitches softly as he looks up.

"Are you ok?" Xisuma repeats his tail flicking as he helps him sit up.

"Yeah," Keralis murmurs, "My foot hurts."

"Oh, my goodness did you kick it?"

"Yeah," Keralis buzzes softly.

"So uh," Xisuma starts, "do you think you should go to the mega hub or just heath potions and sleep."

"Sleep," Keralis frowns, "this is just a mess."

Xisuma hugs him, "Please be more careful... I don't want you to get hurt."

Fresh tears drip down his face as Xisuma gives him a health potion, "I'm sorry."

"Hey, no it's ok, let's get you to bed," Xisuma soothes as he helps Keralis up. They teleport to the half house and Keralis is out the moment he lays down.

Xisuma smiles softly under his mask and walks back to his base.


Yawning Keralis stretches and rolls over, rubbing his face he groans. His arms have gotten stuck in his shirt... because of course, they have, it's going to be a bad day all over again. His foot feels a lot better though.

Wait... Keralis freezes and sits up, he grabs his blanket and looks at his hands then looks down. Well, that would give the feeling of arms stuck in his shirt.

Screaming, his wings flare out as he scrambles to take his shirt off. He runs to the bathroom and his face falls.

"No no no," he whispers as he grabs the edge of the counter with both pairs of arms. Shaking he holds on with two hands as he reaches over to poke at the new arms. Gasping he slips down to the floor as the new pair of arms twitch duly.

Looking at the arms he examines them, they don't have any scars or scratches. The hands- his extra hands don't have the normal cuts and burn scars that his normal hands do.

Shuddering he clasps the new hands together and grabs his shirt and a pair of scissors. Cutting some new holes he tugs the shirt on and shaking grabs his communicator.

Keralis: Hey Xisuma, I messed up. Can you come over

Xisuma: there are more problems.

Xisuma: I can't coem

Keralis: ok,

Xisuma: I'll send someone over.

Keralis flutters his wings as he hugs his arms tightly around himself. He keeps the arms tucked close and still as he can.

A soft knock comes from the door and Keralis grins as he spots Beef.

Beef stomps his hooves as he frowns, "Extra arms?"

Keralis nods, "yeah, I don't like this."

Sitting down Beef hugs Keralis, "We can figure this out."

"Yeah, it's just weird," Keralis buzzes as he walks up to the cafe and snags a muffin, "You want one?"

"I'm ok," Beef nods, "you do need to use your arms."

Keralis blinks and grabs the muffin with one of the extra arms, "Like this?"

"Yeah, just do little things, hold stuff," Beef mutters.

"Personal experience?" Keralis hums smiling softly.

"Yeah, you gotta keep moving."


It takes weeks for Keralis to be able to move his new arms properly. The arms began to feel normal after a while. They feel almost natural after a few weeks.

Of course, he had to learn just where the hands are. They have been smacked into just about everything. Many things have been dropped and with so many things going wrong it's not turning out well.

As he learned to use them he fell into a routine, using the extra hands to hold things. Keep repeating different tasks and get used to the movement, writing and typing were a mess but it's improving.

Clothing was an entirely different matter, the watchers had shown up; a bit frazzled looking, and had given them a few plain shirts. He was then told if he needed anything more to stop by the headquarters.

The extra arms have their uses of course. With more hands to carry things around, he can hold more stuff and do more than one thing at a time. Sure angles are weird and he has to work around himself but found a way to make it work.

The hermits did laugh about him being an insect, but it's all in good fun so it's not too bad overall.

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