Toll The Dead 2: Revivify

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As Xisuma finishes the meeting something pricks at Cleo's hand.

Pulling it up to her face she frowns, "Hey Uh Joe? You did say the meteor's active right?"

"I did say that, why- oh, oh that's not good," He murmurs as a hush falls over the hermits. A wood-like texture has started to appear on her hands and is slowly curling its way up."

"What did he say?" Xisuma asks, as Iskall scrambles to search the chat history.

"Uh, X. we have more problems than him," Joe shouts over the commotion to the admin, "Look at Cleo's hands."

"Oh dear, that's a problem. Uh, Biffa could you and Doc deal with this for me, I would like to talk to Tommy for a while."

The hermits disperse and soon Joe, Cleo, and Doc are left in the room. Biffa having gone to check inside the meteor room for particle effects.

"So," Cleo hums, "I think we can guess, armor stand."

"That doesn't feel right," Joe murmurs, "I would have guessed something like more zombie-ish."

"Eh, I'm as zombie as you get without the brainless bloodthirsty monster bit."

"Fair, so uh what do you think's going to happen?"

"I'm not sure maybe I can control armor stands."

Doc snorts, "That would be impressive... why don't you go home and check in if anything more than what's happening now happens."

"Will do," Cleo nods as she drags Joe towards the portal.

Joe manages to snag an umbrella before getting dragged into the portal, "Cleo, slow down."

Pausing Cleo lets Joe keep up, "Sorry, I keep forgetting you're supposed to be asleep now."

Yawning Joe nods, "Well you were basically running, but yeah."

Cleo laughs and grabs Joe's wrist, "Come on."

"Cleo, I think you might want to look at your hands..." Joe frowns.

"Oh, oh no," Cleo murmurs as she spots the wood-like patches they've grown to cover her hands completely. It's still her skin color but now with wood grain, "Well Uh it looks like it's stopped."

"Hopefully it doesn't spread."

"Yeah, that wouldn't be good," Cleo laughs, "This isn't too bad."

Joe smiles back, his fangs flashing slightly, "You're like a wood zombie."

Shaking her head Cleo picks up her pace, "That was a bad joke, Joe."

Flashing his fangs Joe smiles innocently.

Walking out of the portal Joe opens his umbrella and they make their way into Cleo's base. The Zoo is coming along nicely, Keralis had done an amazing job with it. The HCBBS made by some mysterious force probably Mumbo had shuffled the hermit's bases around. After a few weeks, most of the hermits have swapped back. Surprisingly Grian and Zedaph haven't yet. Zed's having too much fun making random things inside the large space and Grian likes the slightly more enclosed area.

A lot of the hermits enjoyed the change of pace. Iskall's tree had a lot of detail work to be done and Beef can easily walk up and down the long winding ramp. Tango added automation to False's base.

Settling down at a table Cleo looks at Joe, "You got a little sunburned there."

"I know, I know," He pulls out a cup from Cleo's ice chest, "I forgot to drink."

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