hurting hermits 5: scared stiff.

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Not bothering to be quiet, Tango and Zedaph clumsily land inside of the ocean pyramid.

"This way," Zedaph pulls Tango over toward Impulse's room.

The pair wander around the pyramid for a few minutes before locating Impulse's room.

Ever since his transformation, waking Impulse has been pretty difficult. He sleeps like... well a rock.

Pushing the door open Tango walks over to Impulse and pokes his head, "Hey wake up."

No result...

Zedaph bleats and pokes his side, "Yeah he's really out," He laughs as Tango pulls the blankets away.

"Really?" Tango snorts, "That didn't get him."

Shrugging Zedaph lightly kicks his side, "You might have to set him on fire..."

Frowning softly Tango lights his hair on fire and gathers some of the flames in his hand. Holding it near Impulse seems to do the trick.

Blinking he sighs, "Why am I on the floor?"

"Well you wouldn't wake up," Tango smiles as he puts the fire out.

Rubbing his side, Impulse looks at his hands and frowns...

"Look, I've got horns," Zedaph grins, showing Impulse the growing nubs.

Grinning Impulse laughs, after a moment he looks at his arm... "Uh did anything else happen?"

"What do you mean?" Tango asks as he kneels down next to Impulse.

"I don't know, my arm's all stiff."

"Like, weirdly stiff or normal, I'm part rock stiff?" Zedaph questions softly.

"Both," Impulse murmurs.

It takes a moment but the three head into the sitting room area and look at each other confused.


The bedrock patches don't grow, they stay the same size thankfully. They've hardened a bit, still moveable but it's pretty uncomfortable.

They crack and flake as he moves. It's thankfully not painful but it's difficult to hold things. He's dropped just about everything. His communicator, blocks, tools. Just about anything. Doc's made him gloves that help him grip things.

Void had given him more flexibility but it fades pretty quick when not near the void or in the end. 

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