It Takes Two To Tango 5- Talking things out

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Tango wakes to a warm hand rubbing his back, blinking his eyes open he spots Zedaph looking down at him. Instantly He scrambles up and presses himself into the sheep's arms. Zedaph flickers invisible momentarily from the surprise.

"You're ok," Tango sobs, his wings flailing straight out as his tail coils around Zedaph's arm. They're in the spawn egg, everyone else has been kicked out for privacy.

"We're ok," Zedaph murmurs as he pulls Tango onto his lap, rocking him back and forth, "You and Joe got us stuck in some of your toys."

"Wait really?" Tango chirps, looking down at his hands, "Sorry."

"It's ok, you didn't mean to," Zedaph explains.

"But," Impulse cuts in, "We found some stuff that we need to talk about."

"We found this," Zedaph hands him the note book, "I'm really sorry for invading your privacy."

Tango freezes up and presses his face into Zedaph's shoulder, "O-okay, what do you want to know."

"I have concerns about the food problem you mentioned," Impulse nods.

"Oh, Uh, I had family that would take it as a personal offense if you didn't eat the food they made you..." He trails off, "Eating everything I was given was pretty normal for me as a kid..."

"And code food is just too big?"

Tango nods.

"How much do you want to eat?" Zedaph murmurs.

"I don't really know," Tango shrugs, "We might need to figure that one out together."

Beaming Zedaph rubs Tango's hair, "Ok, you also mentioned nightmares."

Tango blushes slightly, "It's silly, kids aren't supposed to respawn...'so it's really scary dying and then coming back. Not to mention the meteor in general, it's terrifying and it's worse as a kid."

Impulse nods, "What do you do if you wake up from one?"

"Grab one of my plushies and mess around on my comm till I feel better," Tango mutters.

"Would it be better to have someone there?" Impulse asks, "I know you like sleeping by yourself. We could set something up with the semi nocturnal guys."

"That would be ok," Tango murmurs, "I don't want to be an inconvenience to you guys."

"You are never an inconvenience," Impulse sighs, "The meteor is an inconvenience. And we have to do what we can."

"Impy?" Tango asks softly, "You think we'll ever get to be human again."

"I hope so," Impulse sighs, "I really hope so."

"Tango." Zedaph starts slowly, "You said 'I'm starting to think that you think i'm just a kid and not someone who's just stuck in a young body' what did you mean?"

"Well, I'm the same as normal... I'm just smaller, and I'm not as fast to process things but I'm still me. It's hard to explain and figure out but I'm trying. My body is a kid, not my brain."

"So basically you're short now," Zedaph laughs, "Like Bdubs."

Tango bursts into laughter, "Don't let him hear that."

Impulse grins, "If you ever need anything, just let us know."

"We'll stop by to see you more," Zedaph promises.

"Thank you," Tango yawns as he wiggles off the couch, "I'm going back to sleep."


And that's the end of the angst :)
next up will be a transformation

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