MCC14!!: Build Mart and Survival Games

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It's the last day of the championships and giddy excitement fills the air. All the contestants are pumped. Everyone gathers around the voting dome and waits in silence.

As they file into the dome the elevators are broken one last time before the start of the games. When the timer runs out the contestants are dropped into eggs and the chickens are released.

"The Game is, Build Mart!"

A ripple of excitement runs through the crowd. Most like the game and it's amusing to watch the contestants run around trying to find blocks. Wings are allowed to be used this time as while possible to use in boats it's a bit uncomfortable.

A few seconds later the contestants are warped over to their build plots.

Moments later contestants are rushing around gathering supplies and shouting back and forth with their teams.

"Grian!" Tommy yells waving him over, "Hi, Uh I just thought you should know there's a weird corner over there. Uh, yeah, Philza got his wing stuck."

"Thanks," Grian smiles, "I'll keep it in mind."

The game continues as normal, sure a few of the fans don't like the fact Grian and Philza are allowed to fly but overall everything is going well.

Tommy runs towards his team's plot, the ground flickers for a moment before disappearing. Eyes wide Tommy jerks around trying to get his other foot back onto the solid ground.

Spotting him Grian lets himself fall a few feet before landing and pulling Tommy back onto the ice.

Grian smiles softly before nodding and flapping off.

A few minutes later something happens that makes all chaos breaks out.

Unfortunately, Grian was a little bird brain and his brain skips over the fact that there's glass. Smacking into the cube Grian squawks as he lands on the ground, the other contestants freeze.

A loud crack splits the air as Dream smacks right into the glass, "Ow," His mask has a long crack running across the middle.

Wilbur marches over, "This is why I carry the first aid kit."

"Yeah, yeah, can I have the potion?"

Handing it over Wilbur rolls his eyes, handing him the healing potions, "Here."

Seeing that the camera feeds have been cut, Dream takes his mask off and rubs his face, "That could have gone better."

Ren trots over to Grian and helps him up, "You good man?"

"It's just my ego."

Unsurprisingly the winning team is the Red Ravens, They have some absolutely amazing builders who can easily memorize block patterns. There was a mild setback with the whole glass thing, but after that everything continued as normal


It's the final game, and everyone is on edge. Depending on the game it could make or break some of the leading teams.

The dome is dead silent with anticipation, all the teams slightly nervous to see the outcome. The eggs open and the contestants drop in. As the chickens are released all breaths are held to see what the game will be.

"And the last game is... THE SURVIVAL GAMES!" The announcers scream in unison.

Many contestants scream in excitement as others groan knowing there's no way they have a shot at this.

Once the buzzer rings all hell breaks loose, teams scatter in all directions. Somehow Dream is shoot out as he runs away from the middle area.

The other teams stick close together. Grian flies out of range of most of the players. Fundy manages to shoot him right out of the sky and Tommy finishes the job. Shortly after Ren gets Fundy out. The contestants that are out are sent to watch from a platform where they playfully mess around and cheer for their team.

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