Hurten hermits 10: dragon tails

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Hissing through clenched fangs Wels stares blankly at his reflection. Overnight scales have overtaken his face and neck. Upon further inspection. His entire body is covered in scales. More horns have grown along his scalp.

Opening his mouth he flicks his oddly reptile-like tongue out. Flinching as he finds he can smell with his tongue.

He looks completely draconic. Almost like he's fully half-dragon now. Pacing back and forth he grabs some grapes from the counter. Something is not right.

His wings flare out, something feels as if something has invaded his domain. Baring his fangs he spreads his wings and flaps around the world looking for something... Hels, where's his clone?

Landing near his base Wels pushes his door open to find his clone upside down tapping away on his communicator.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"I'd be more concerned about you," Hels mutters as he looks his brother over.

"I know I'm like, half-dragon," Wels sighs, "Awessome."

"Wait, open your mouth," Hels murmurs as he looks over Wels.

Wels complies and opens his mouth.

"Wide as you can."

Wels does, "Ssso that'sss not normal," He hisses, "I'm what more reptile-like?"

"Looks like," Hels mutters, "Are you cold?"

"Yeah, ssso cold-blooded," Wels murmurs, "I hope no one elsse has a problem."


As it turns out, many other hermits have a problem. Apparently, Joe's some sort of all-powerful eldritch being. So much is happening that it makes his head spin.

A growing spark builds in his chest as the hermits discuss what had happened.

No one messes with his horad. Iskall notices his glare, "You ok?"

"I'm trying to resist the urge to horad."

Iskall nods softly, "Good luck, with that," He sides a few gold over to him.

Passing Wels, a small gold piece TFC smiles softly.

"Thankss man," Wels murmurs. Soon after Jevin melts.


Growling as Bdubs shuffles back, Wels flicks his tail, "And when were you planning to tell me?"

Green eyes burn with a sudden understanding, "Wels, can you smell better?"

Blinking Wels nods, "I can, so why do you have my gold."

"Follow up, how much area here do you consider yours?" Bdubs asks from his spot in a tree.

"Border to border..." Wels murmurs trailing off, "I'm being dumb, sorry man."

"I mean I did steal the gold, just not from you," Bdubs laughs, accidentally smacking the skin of his wing on a branch.

Rolling his eyes, Wels moves on, "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."

Snuffing around Wels rubs his short snout, part dragon was fun, full dragon was fun once he turned back, but this kinda sucks. The heightened instincts without the full transformation just make him feel bad... Xisuma had said something about a plan during the meeting, they might have a way out of this mess soon.

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