Danse Macabre: Vampiric Touch

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"So, how are you doing?" Xisuma asks.

"Much better than I thought," Joe responds, "I think I've found a good balance of blood and normal foods."

"That's good," Xisuma nods, "And any problems with anything else?"

"Not really, I've found a good mix of working at night and day works."

Flicking his tail Xisuma grins, "So, any magic bits yet?"

"Nope, Max thinks I need to wait and see if I generate my own magic like you do or if I have to rely on other sources."

"Smart," Xisuma shrugs, "I thought it would be smart to warn you, Cleo and Zedaph have been planning to give you a bunch of vampire stuff."

Rolling his eyes Joe laughs, "Well I'm willing to try something different."

"Don't let them hear that you'll never be allowed to dress normal again."

Joe grins as he waves Xisuma out the door, "Thanks for the heads up."

Once Xisuma is gone Joe walks into the kitchen, he's got some interesting ideas. Pulling out a box of unflavored gelatin he mixes up a batch, replacing the water with blood. The result is pretty good and he starts to make another batch, this time with small strawberry shaped molds.

Once everything has set Joe grins, happy with his creation. It's a lot less awkward to eat a small gummy candy looking thing in front of others than drinking a cup of blood.

He's scared quite a few hermits like that already. He was drinking some during a meeting and it was clearly making the others uncomfortable.

Over the last few days he's gotten pretty good at shapeshifting. He's discovered that the wolf form can withstand the sun.

Ren had shown up on the full moon and helped him learn to be a wolf.

Barking loudly outside of Joe's door Ren bounces around waiting.

When the vampire opens the door Ren jumps up and nudges him with his nose.

"Hey Ren, let me guess you want me to shift as well."

Nodding Ren barks and paces.

A small pop of mist later Joe is replaced with a smaller reddish wolf. Ren pads around and sniffs him.

Ren takes off into the night with Joe close on his heels. They end up in Bdubs' village. Finding the phantom passes out in a flower bed Ren lays down next to him as Joe plops down on the road.

As Bdubs wakes up he frowns, "Please don't tell Xisuma I fall asleep like that. He'll make something that teleports me when I fall asleep."

Both wolves give him a look.

Bdubs flaps his wings out, "I know it is a bad habit and I'll get creepers but sometimes I can't bring myself to move."

Joe pushes his head under Bdubs hand and lets him pet his ears.

Bdubs turns to Ren and asks, "Do you want me to brush your fur?"

Ren barks happily as Joe looks up at the phantom.

"Don't worry I can brush you too," Bdubs giggles softly as he pulls out a dog brush and soon he has a large pile of fur.

When Ren is done he nudges Joe into place and Bdubs gently starts brushing his fur.

He charters away as he brushes his fur and by the end there are a pair of well groomed wolves and Bdubs gets back to his gardening.

Joe makes a note in the calendar to hang out with Ren on the full moons.

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