How Three Became One: 1 Its time to talk

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Hypno grins as he settles down at his table, he's gotten pretty good at the whole magic thing. He's not using it when he doesn't need to but it is very useful when building.

Rolling off his shoulders Max yawns, he pads into the center of the table and settles down, flicking his tail around himself.

"So, I have a question for you," Hypno looks at the small dragon.

Max nods softly, "Ask away."

"I want to know about magic, you keep mentioning the 'three' or something. Oh, and how do you know the meteor, I get that you used to work with him but how?"

Max sighs, "I suppose you all should know by now, gather everyone in the Town Hall."


An hour later the hermits are settled around a coffee table where Max is sitting quite proudly, contrasting the hesitance evident with his voice.

"Ok, so Hypno said you wanted us here?" Xisuma asks as he leans back so his spines won't poke Keralis or Exy.

Max nods, "I think I need to tell you about Avar and his relation with the three old gods."

The slight buzz of the hermits cuts off instantly.

As the dragon explains the hermits listen intently.

"I'll start with the three gods, Lady Vex the world, The Lord of the Nether, and End."

"End doesn't get a cool title?" Tango asks jokingly.

"End was everything and nothing, and as such is simply known as End," Max explains, "I don't want to say too much about them, as magic is volatile and I don't want to change their memory."

Impulse nods, "That makes sense."

"The end you know is shattered and broken, it wasn't always this way."

The hermits blink slightly stunned.

"Wait, you know how the end crumbled?"

"I do, it is partially the fault of the meteor."

"Of course it is," Xb bubbles, as he slinks down in his seat.


The end stretches endlessly in all directions, a fine purple mist settling around the outline of grand obsidian pillars. Large cloth canopies made of silk are draped across the pillars to create a sort of tent.

End stands next to a large pile of wool and chorus fluff, it has quite a reputation for creating amazing tapestries and blankets. An endless star-filled sky slotting through the canopies in places.

There's a massive black and purple dragon laying on the ground next to a swirling portal. End floats over and murmurs something to the dragon before wandering out of the pillars.

It looks at the world around itself and grins. It had taken incredible work to create such a thing, the enderman's boats floating in the sky, the rays; almost like her phantoms, floating lazily through the air. A pair of end drakes run by and tumble onto the ground, before padding up to the deity standing still it strokes the spiked beasts fondly.

"Hello, my spiked friends," Its voice hums, "Would you like to join me in coming to the garden?"

The pair of Drake's pad after him, as large as they are End still towers over them.. As they settle in the garden full of plants from the other worlds End sighs, "It's truly amazing what they can accomplish."


Deep within the sweltering heat of the nether, a bastion glows with intense otherworldly fire. From inside laughter echoes across the land.

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