Look to the sky: Something Flutters Among The Clouds

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Ice magic. That was certainly a surprise. Pearl hums as she and Stress sit facing the water. They're sitting on the cliff in front of Stress' tea pot. She;s explaining Ice magic to Pearl.

"Since you have ice magic now," Stress starts as she stands up, brushing her shorts off, "I think you need this." She pulls an allium out of her inventory, "The mark of the ice queen." She giggles.

"Thanks," Pearl grins as she encases it in beautiful crystal clear ice, "You've been a life saver."

"Aww it's nothin." She waves her hand dismissively.

Pearl shakes her head then looks out across the bay, "No, Stress, I could have frozen like half the server," She puffs out a breath of icy air, "You're awesome."

"Oh, stop it," She giggles, "magic can be tricky. Any of us could have shown you."

Rolling her eyes Pearl shrugs, "Eh, fair..."

Their conversation continues as the sun starts to set and well into the night.


Humming as she wanders her base Pearl grins.

She got off pretty easy. No weird feachers, no extra limbs, no overly strange powers. Just the ability to create ice.

Something in the back of her mind whispers not to tempt fate, but honestly at this point she's too relieved to care. She got the ice powers a couple of weeks ago and nothing else has popped up yet.

She's probably in the clear...


The next morning-ish; she had woken up later than normal, she looks in the mirror as she brushes her teeth.

"Oh crap."

Yeah, uh, definitely not in the clear, two long. Fluffy... Things are perched on top of her head...

"What am i some kind of ice bunny?"

Taking a photo she send it in the main chat

PearlescentMoon: Anyone know what these are?
PearlescentMoon: [Photo]

PearlescentMoon: I guess the transformation isn't as done as I thought.

Xisuma: Oh my goodness me

Xisuma: I'll look it up

Keralis1: :D

Keralis1: Bug Buddy!

PearlescentMoon: WHAt?

PearlescentMoon: ....

Keralis1: you have antenna

Placing the communicator back on the counter Pearl stares blankly at the mirror. The antenna twitches and move around trying to feel out the environment. Cringing away from the sensation Pearl freezes as they move, twisting into some sort of hood.

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