Flying Feathers 2: Talons and Feathers

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Over the course of a few days, Grian slowly gets back on his feet. Someone was with him constantly just keeping the troublemaker company. After a while, He gets used to the slightly disproportionate build of his body. He hadn't been let out of the jungle and its surrounding areas as everything is fairly close together.

Today Grian is working on the inside of his mansion, Mumbo has agreed to come over and help him reach things and just to hang out. They've been working in comfortable silence for a few hours when they take a break to get some food.

Grian grabs a few carrots and a handful of seeds. He starts cleaning the underside of his nails that had gotten all gunked up working throughout the day. As he picks at his nails he notices something slightly off, "Mumbo?"


"Do my nails look weird to you?" He asks, showing the offending nails to Mumbo.

"Let me see," Mumbo gently pulls Grian's hand closer to his face, "They look kinda pointy?"

Grian hums thinking for a moment, "Ok, let's finish this last wall and then check if anything else is happening."

Mumbo nods in agreement and continues helping Grian. By the time the wall has been fully detailed both are exhausted, but they still make sure nothing is happening.

Mumbo has Grian stand against the wall and he checks his height making sure that It hadn't changed. After everything had been checked Mumbo shrugs to Grian, "Nothing besides your nails has been affected, I'll come over tomorrow morning with Iskall to check again. I'll see you then."

"See you!" Grian shouts after as he stretches his back and walks back to his starter base; he had run out of rockets earlier that day and hadn't had time to get more.

When he walks in the door the first thing he sees is Professor Beak hanging upside down off of his perch. Grian watches the bird for a while. After a while, Grian grows tired and heads off into his bedroom.

The next morning he awakes to Mumbo shaking him, "Mumbo? Wats goin on?"

"Give him a chance to fully wake up first," Iskall chastises, Cutting off Mumbo and gently bopping him on the shoulder.

A few minutes later and Grian was more awake, "So, what's happening?"

"Um, well, look at your feet, and legs," Mumbo rushes saying.

Grian looks over at Mumbo and Iskall curiously before taking the blanket that had been draped over him off. When he sees what had happened he gasps.

He gingerly bends his knee and flinches when he sees that it's moved up a few inches. He tries flexing his toes shuddering when they bend, "So, this is really weird."

Iskall gets a look of sudden revelation on their face and runs out of the room. A few seconds later they re-enter carrying Professor Beak, "I thought your foot looked familiar, it's kinda like a parrot's."

Iskall is right, the area under Grian's knee is not unlike that of a parrot. The skin is tough and leathery. His foot has shifted to that of a tree-climbing bird. It has two toes in the front and two in the back, both equipped with wicked sharp claws that are perfect for climbing up and down trees. His ankle had stretched up a few inches and was positioned kind of awkwardly.

Grian takes a few minutes to start getting used to the awkward feeling of his legs movements. Nervously he attempts to stand, as he almost loses his balance Mumbo grabs his arms keeping him upright. A few moments later Grian realizes that he shouldn't try to extend his leg fully. As he tries to bend his leg in a way it's not supposed to. Wincing he takes a step forward.

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