The Phantom Of Hermitcraft 3: Masquerade

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Bdubs smiles, He's back in his village and is staring up at the incredible cliff. Doc had decided that he would be fine being in his area and as long as he checks in every so often. As long as he properly checks in he'll be allowed to stay without constant supervision.

As he stops working for a moment his tail flicks sporadically and he almost falls off of his scaffolding. Clambering down Bdubs frowns and flexes the odd new limb. Deciding that it would be safer to work on the ground he starts planting some flowers. He starts to feel a bit drowsy after a while so he heads back to his house and passes out for a while.

Once he wakes up he frowns, something doesn't feel quite right. He sends a quick message to Doc asking him to come over. It's a good thing he messaged when he did, as moments later he collapses to the ground clutching his ribs.

Bdubs screams in pain. The same bone ridges on his tail have started to extend out along his spine. Burning tears drip down his face as the ridges grow up to his neck. Gasping he reaches over and feels them. They don't hurt when he touches them so he carefully stands up and stumbles into his sitting area.

Doc runs in a few minutes later, just in time for the transformation to pick up again. Bdubs shows him what had happened with his back and winces as his tail smacks into a table. He laughs it off and draws the slightly injured limb over and gently curls it up on his lap.

"Is your tail ok?" Doc asks as Bdubs rubs it.

"Fine, it's fine," he laughs waving Doc's concern off.

Hissing a bit Doc looks over, "Can I see your back again? Something seems off."

"Uh, ok," Bdubs turns so his back so it's facing Doc. He rolls up the hem to give Doc a better line of sight.

Doc immediately notices what's happening. Scales are creeping up his back most of them staying near the bone ridges. Some of the scales are further from his spine. The few scales that have appeared on his Side are the same creamy flesh as the ones on the underside of his tail. The rest are the dark blue that's on the rest of his tail, "Bdubs, don't freak out ok. You have scales all over your back. They don't appear to be spreading."

Bdubs face drops from absolutely terrified to relaxed, "Ok. I thought you were going to tell me that my ribs were poking out."

"Well, that might happen."

"I've probably just jinxed myself," He grumbles.

Doc gives a small laugh at that, "Hopefully not."

The pair take some time and continue to talk with each other until Bdubs goes back to sleep. Doc sticks around while he's sleeping. Once he wakes up they realize exactly what was happening. He's getting all the typical markings of a phantom.

He pulls a face and looks over at Doc, "This probably isn't going to end well."

Doc shrugs in agreement, and hisses softly, "Bdubs look at your ribs."

"What? Why would- oh, that's disgusting," Bdubs looks down at his chest and sees bones that had grown from some of the ridges. They wrap around his chest like a secondary set of ribs. There are a few 'ribs' encircling his tail and he flicks it experimentally. The new bone structures aren't impeding the tails movement at all so he stands up and moves his back, testing his flexibility.


A few days pass without further incident, Bdubs learns how to properly deal with his tail and speak with his fangs. Everything has calmed down and things are pretty chill.

It's almost night time and Bdubs is yawning suddenly overwhelmed with a wave of fatigue. He looks a bit confused for a moment then shrugs and goes to sleep.

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