Comfort is found in words and actions: Tango

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Tango fluffs his wings up before walking over to the color shop, he pulls the shulkers out and places them on the ground. As he restocks he scrunches into himself.

Unfortunately, it's not always going to be warm outside, the temperatures have started to drop. For most hermits, this isn't much of a problem just adding jackets to their normal clothes. Tango has a slightly worse problem.

Since his thermoregulation relies heavily on outside sources of warmth he's been cold a lot recently. Wrapping his tail closer to himself, Tango completes the restocking. The server's weather can be spontaneous and random at times but for the most part, it's the same across the board.

If it's raining somewhere it's raining all across the server. If it's raining in a place that allows for snow it will snow, if it's cold enough. Seasons have the normal cycle and the temperatures at least vaguely follow it. Warmer biomes will always be a bit warmer than the others and ice biomes will always be cold.

A voice startled him from his thoughts, "Tango? You ok?"

The Phoenix looks up, "Oh uh, yeah I'm fine, it's just kinda cold."

Joe plops down next to Tango, "Your wings being out makes the rest of you cold."

"Yeah, I can't really conserve heat, and I can only set my hair on fire sometimes."

"Right, that's a thing you do," Joe nods, "Have you attempted to hang out in the sun?"

Tango puffs a bit, "Yeah, it doesn't help much. It's like light hoodie season and I'm over here freezing my butt off."

Joe winces, "You might be able to make a greenhouse room somewhere."

"I've been working on one with Impulse but I still have to go out and do stuff."

"I get it," Joe murmurs.

Tango wraps his wings around himself, "Everything's been so hectic. I can't take a break from anything or something's going to go wrong."

Joe nods along as he softly ushers Tango into the nether.

"If I'm not paying attention my wings flair out and cause problems. I've almost broken a bunch of Redstone stuff by smacking them."

"That can't feel good."

"It doesn't, then they hurt for a few days. My tail causes more problems, I keep almost setting things on fire. I can't always tell if it's on fire so that's a hazard," The offending limb flicks around before settling down.

As Tango continues Joe leans against the wall.

"Then there's the gold thing, and yeah we have golden carrots but being able to just eat a nugget that's really weird. And all the birds instincts. I don't like not being able to sleep when I'm not in some sort of nest. I attempt to preen Grian's feathers. It's just so annoying."

Joe nods softly, "Sometimes we just need to think and listen."

Taking a deep breath he continues, "I've got that cartoon thing that I do. Where I can just magically pull things out of thin air. Whenever that happens it's like I'm not in control anymore. I can't control if or when any of the cartoon stuff happens, it does happen more often when I'm at my base. That's probably linked to the fact that's completely cartooned."

As Tango's rambling turns less venting and more talking rapidly about cartoons, Joe grins. It's good to distract people, give them some hope.

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