Updating Worlds 3: The end of the world

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Mumbo looks around the spawn area, "We need to leave."

The hermits nod.

"Yeah," Tango wimpers huddled into Impulse's side, his plan to blow up the moon and push it back into position had failed. And he had unfortunately respawned on the way back into the world.

Xisuma nods, "Ok, here's what we do. Get everything wrapped up. Build your rockets out of here," He looks over to Ren and Doc, "You two do your... thing... and once all that's done we leave. Make final arrangements, and get the videos and stuff done. Then go home. And we'll make a new world in a few weeks once they can make sure this won't happen again."

"What about the meteor?" Zedaph shudders.

Ren wags his tail, "Well maybe he'll go down with the world."

Hissing softly Doc shakes his head, "Maybe, but I wouldn't bet on it."

"Make him promise not to hurt others?" Gem shrugs, "So he won't be able to do anything else."

Joe nods, he's slowly losing a hold on his human form so he's a little horrifying to look at at the moment, "That should work. Tell the meteor the truth and have him promise to not hurt anyone until we get back on our feet."

"And if the moon does perma kill him," Tango grins, "We won't have to worry either way."

Stress pauses and shakes her head, "That sounded a bit weird coming from you."

"why? " Tango frowns, "oh... yeah... kid."

Zedaph laughs and ruffles his hair.

"Xisuma," Grian asks, "what are we going to do?"

"I'm not sure yet," He replies honestly, "I think it would be best to work on other worlds and stuff until we get a new hermitcraft server."

Scar nods as he pet's jellies nose, "Sounds good," He grins nervously.

And with that the hermits break off to try and 'save' the world. Escape plans are made, and the hermits build rockets and all sorts of things to leave the world.

Once everyone and their pets are out of the server, it's closed.

Tango and Impulse head to their home world first. Then the rest follow soon behind. All shocked at what happened. And still reeling from it all.


Pawing the door open, Xisuma shuffles into the Meteor room and Joe walks in a few feet behind him.Joe places his hand on the rock.

"What do you want now?" The meteor grumbles.

Joe grins, "I'd like the make a deal with you Avar Veradus."

"Underhill?" The meteor flounders for a moment.

"In. The. Flesh." Joe growls.

The meteor stays silent for a moment, "Would it be any consolation that I am truly sorry..."

"No." Joe flicks his tails, "you aren't sorry, you may regret what you've done but you still hurt others in your rage. If you were sorry you would be making up for what you did."

"What do you want?"

"I wish to make a deal," Joe hisses, "this world is ending so we won't be here for a few weeks. You will stay here until we find a new world. No one will be harmed. You will not land on any world that is being inhabited. When we find a new world you can turn up there. Nowhere else."

"You expect me to just get hit by the moon..."


"Fine. It won't kill me."

"We know," Joe grins, "thanks for cooperating," he spins on his heel and starts leaving, he pauses when he reaches the door, "Oh and just so you know that was magically binding."


The nether lord grins to himself and sits in his throne. His sibling has been open to talking again and it is wonderful.

The world that his new friends are living on is about to fall. The little Phoenix had sent word that they were leaving. Also that he had Died soon after returning to normal.

Poor bird...

Nether laughs and stands up.


" Yes brother ?"

"Get this to Tango," Nether smiles softly as he warps a small strider to his Sibling.

" Of course. "


Void is almost stunned when Impulse drops in and tells it what's happening.

"The moon is crashing into your world... " Void murmurs slowly, it's heard this all before but not like this not from one of its children.

Impulse shrugs, "Yeah, we're shutting the world down in a few days."

Void looks to Impulse and frowns, " This was not planned? "

"It wasn't planned... well it kind of was... we wanted a shorter season then normal," Impulse shrugs, "Try something new. But the moon wasn't supposed to actually crash."

" And yet it did..."

Impulse nods, "Will you be ok though this?"

" How kind of you to think of me my child ," Void laughs adjusting its spot on the cushion, " wherever you are, I am the same. Every world has me."


Void stands, " I wish you well, oh and my brother asked me to give you this ," it hands him a small metal strider, " To watch over your Little phoenix Friend. "

Impulse smiles softly, "Of course..."


Picking her skirts up she walks up the ruins of her palace.

"This will not do," She frowns at crumbled stone.

"Brother?" She calls out...


This world is long dead.

With a strangled gasp she falls to her knees. Body shaking with sobs. Her family is gone. Overall. The world itself. Mother nature. Lady of Lies. Trickster, Ovie if you ask her siblings , Lady Vex . Whatever you choose to call her.

She is left in an empty world.

Weeping for his family and the horrific loss the world has suffered.

After what feels like ages she stands. The world had changed. Grass has begun to grow again. A few flowers. A small stream fed by her tears trickles down the steps.

Letting her dark hair out of its braid, Vex steals herself and begins to work.

Not on the world, this world is far beyond saving. There is nothing living left.

But other worlds exist. And maybe, just maybe her siblings are alive.

She finds her finest jewels and riches. Fine fabrics that were dulled and ruined by time only take a little magic to return to their glory. Her hair is re-braided and decorated with a flower. Gold bands circle her arms and antlers.

After all she must make a good impression after being gone for who knows how long. Soon it will be time to reclaim what is hers.


Happy New Year!
As Bad as COVID has been is given me the chance to make new friends and write my fanfics. It's sucked at times but honestly I'm super thankful I met all you new friends.

Also mini hiatus until the new season. I'll be posting my M.E one shots but I won't be doing any main plots.
If new hermits join they will be put in.

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