Things The Kids Call Each Other

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A/N- This is a request from @RainbelisaAwesome (thank you!). They're amazing, you should go and follow them now.

The kids (and Kwazii and Tweak) (I'm lumping them in with the kids cos the kids have officially surpassed them in maturity levels) can call each other a lot of names. None of them are usually very polite.

The most polite insults Kwazii and Tweak have used for each other are "stupidhead" and "poopface". (Like I said, SOOOOOOO mature) The worst names they've ever called each other were either ones in a foreign language they found on Google Translate or some that the
kids taught them.

Jane and Pinto "totally" don't take every opportunity they get to cuss each other out in German and Spanish.

In fact, the German words Jane calls him is actually how Pinto can tell if she's mad at him or not (so it's not a total lost to be called a "dummkopf") Whenever Jane calls him "Saukerl", everything's good, totally normal, if she calls him an "arschloch", he knows he better stop annoying her immediately, and when she calls him "schiesskopf," he's screwed, completely screwed.

It's the same way around. If Pinto calls her a "Pendeja", everything's good, if it escalates to "Cabeza de cula", she better stay away, and if he calls her "cono", he's completely steaming at her.

Squirt and Koshi are far more polite, and frankly, far more mature. The worst thing Squirt's ever called Koshi is "mad" and the worst thing Koshi's ever said to Squirt was, "My sister's more sensible than you're being right now." when they got into a polite little debate on what book series was better.

Dashi, Peso, and Inkling do not allow swearing, but the kids do it out of their earshot most of the time, but sometimes, they don't watch what they're doing, and...

Jane and Pinto thought it'd be funny if they yelled the foulest things they could in the library in Spanish and German when Inkling and Shellington were on a rescue mission, and Dashi and Peso ended up hearing.

It's Dashi and Peso, so they weren't punished too severely, but they were warned that if they ever said those things ever again, they wouldn't be allowed to play with each other. Afterwards, Peso hugged them both and told them, "We don't want to do it, but we need you to understand that you can't say those things,, alright? I love both of you."

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