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Octo-Adoption is the process when someone on the Octopod decide they love someone else on the Octopod, and "adopts" them as their "child" or "mentor" or "sibling".

It took the Captain less than 5 minutes to claim every single person in his crew as one of his "children," and has done everything from give Peso a sippy cup of warm milk when he couldn't sleep to carrying Tweak to the Sick Bay and giving her a band-aid and a kiss when she cut her paw on the sharper end of a hammer.

Tweak considers all the kids her little baby siblings. When Dashi made all the kids and Vegimals miniature Hamilton costumes, Tweak nearly died of cuteness cos the costumes were so cute and tiny, and they actually looked like the costumes used on stage, and the kids and Vegimals looked so sweet in them.

All the adults sort of adopted each other as their siblings. Kwazii will have a story night sleepover in his room sometimes, and what he'll do is he'll tell the entire crew stories of his pirate days while bouncing the baby Vegimals in his lap.

The kids all adopted each other as their new brothers/sisters. This means fighting. A lot of fighting, and in fact, Inkling has heard Jane tell Pinto, "I hate your guts." And Pinto told her, "Eh, fair enough, I hate you too, Saumensch."

The last time those two had a sleepover, they had a huge fight over who wanted to sleep on the floor. Neither of them actually wanted to sleep on the floor, they just didn't want the OTHER to have to sleep on the floor.

The Vegimals are everyone's babies. Anyone will do anything for them from Peso making them all blankets that look like he made them out of bandages (cos the babies said they wanted to be wrapped in bandages like little mummies) and the Captain bringing out Admiral Sweaty Sock for the cuties every now and then.

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