Things They're Not Going To Live Down

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Everyone on the Octopod has done something mortifyingly stupid and embarrassing at one time or another, and their family loves to remind them of the incident every chance they get.  

For example, Kwazii has taken Shellington on midnight excursions many other times other than Operation Cooperation. One time, they had to wake Tweak up out of necessity when Kwazii somehow got his tail trapped under a barrel and couldn't move it. Tweak still hasn't let him hear the end of it. 

When Koshi was a toddler, Dashi had tried to teach her how to dress herself, but she still managed to get her head stuck in the shirt. (Their mother had to cut the shirt off). Jane was a very tiny baby at the time, but once she heard the story as an older child, Koshi wasn't allowed to forget the incident, ever. And once Pinto was told the story, there were twice as many people to torment her about it.

Koshi got her back with Squirt's help the second time Squirt asked all his friends to watch  a Thor movie with him. Jane is horrible with names and faces and people in general, so she accidentally called Thor "Odin" and proceeded to forget the real name of "The Lady Thor" (Thor's girlfriend conveniently named Jane Foster) (no I am not kidding). Koshi found it hilarious that her sister forgot the name of someone who had the same name as she did.

Kwazii never stopped teasing Shellington about the "Jelly Bay" incident, and every other rare-species-induced Shellington moments such as the time the Captain and Kwazii found a frilled shark (one of the rarest sharks to see in the world), and Shellington was so excited to study it that he was nearly eaten by it. (The Captain dragged him away just in time) and the time Dashi found a mollusk that didn't look like any Shellington had ever seen, and he was in such a hurry to get back to the Octopod to get some equipment to study it that he swam face-first into the Gup and cracked his helmet.

Peso never let him forget the incident as a warning, saying things like, "Be careful, we don't want a repeat of the time you cracked your helmet!" Peso does this kind of thing sometimes, and sometimes, he'll just tease the ones he loves slightly, but his teasing is practically baby teasing, he couldn't offend anyone if he tried, and you can feel the sweet sugar puff energy radiating off of him.

Such as the time Pinto needed one of his extra teeth that there was no room in his beak for (yeah, I know penguins don't have teeth, but they're evolved in the Octonauts, so shh) removed, so he asked Peso for advice and Peso very kindly told his brother with a twinkle in his eye, "Please don't use assault to remove the tooth." referring to the times that Pinto would ask one of his friends to punch him in the mouth to get one of his baby teeth out.

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