Guilty Pleasures

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Everyone on the Octopod has some sort of guilty pleasure that they partake in and are somewhat secretive about.

Tweak acts all "hardcore" and watches horror movies like "Hah, not even scary!" But when she's sure no one's around, she cuddles under her favorite carrot blanket and watches really fluffy romance movies like "Forrest Gump" and has shamelessly cried when the characters cried and clapped and cheered at the happily ever after. Not even Dashi knows about this.

Inkling tries to eat food that's easiest on his old person system, but every now and then, he's been caught by someone hiding in the corner of the kitchen with a whole pint of kelp ice cream that's nearly all gone. 

Whenever Peso can't sleep, he'll grab his stuffed animal that he was cuddling and go to the Captain's room. The Captain will bring him into his bed and he'll read Peso bedtime stories until they both get sleepy. 

Kwazii acts like a big tough pirate who likes going on monster hunts and wrestling with them, but once when Kwazii thought a baby whale was a monster, and once he realized what it was, the crew found him giving the baby whale helmet nuzzles and playing fetch with it. Kwazii swears on his spyglass that he was just trying to "distract the beast" but everyone highly doubts that "distracting" involves baby talk and snuggling.

Shellington is very socially awkward and self-conscious. He is sorta scared of showing affection in public, but the second all the baby Vegimals waddle up to him clamoring for a cuddle, there's no way Shellington can say no, and it'll escalate to blowing raspberries on the cuties' tummies.

The Captain often acts stoic and professional, but secretly, there are times where all he wants is a hug from his "children" (crew) and all of them know immediately when they need one of their hugs and they're only too happy to give him a group cuddle.

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