Eating Out

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Every now and then, the Captain and Inkling take their "family" out to eat, and it's fun, but with their family, thing's get a bit crazy.

The Vegimals don't get offended. In fact, the Vegimals are usually the most excited to eat out because they think everything in the restaurant is so cool, and they'll be oohing and ahhing, and practically trying to escape Shellington's arms to look at it all. 

The look they get when they walk in with 16 children. Everyone is horrified, and getting seated usually takes forever since there are so many of them.

Going to a restaurant means public bathrooms. Public bathrooms means craziness for the Octonauts. 

Tweak and Jane have been stopped from going into the girls' bathrooms before cos they got misgendered. It was an awkward thing to have to explain.

Shellington will always insist on watching his baby Vegimals go into the bathroom and stay outside the stall for them to finish so he can help them. He can and has held them and bounced them up and own in his arms so they could reach the sink. 

It makes it a bit complicated when Tomminow has to go. In that case, either Dashi or Tweak will go with her and help her.

The Captain will be babying all of his children in the restaurant from playing games with his silverware with the kids while they're waiting on their food to practically tying a bib around Peso using a napkin and cutting up all his food for him while Peso meekly suggests letting him do it himself. The Captain has none of it.

All the adults will make sure the kids eat something "healthy", but will try to make it into his game, pretending it's a "quest" to get something from each food groups. The reward is a token that they can cash in for a sleepover.

Once there was a waffle maker in a restaurant where they were eating breakfast with a whole bunch of sugary things. Kwazii saw it, and he may or may not have been on a sugar rush for the next 3 hours. 

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