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Aggravation is very common on the Octopod. Everyone has experienced the feeling before, and mostly everyone has done some aggravating themselves.

Kwazii is a very common reason for aggravation.

He's annoyed just about everyone on the Octopod at least 500 times. Everyone minus Pinto and the Vegimals that is.

Pinto adores Kwazii and cannot get enough of whatever Kwazii does, and the baby Vegimals cannot get mad at anyone.

Kwazii annoys Tweak on a hourly basis. So much in fact that Dashi tried to help her engineer a "Kwazii repellent". (It was just to say the word "spider" in front of him) (Tweak's made a sort of game where she'd say it and see how fast he ran away. His record is 0.5 seconds)

Pinto can be an annoyance to Jane whenever he follows her around like a little puppy for hours on end. She's figured out that if she promises him she'll play later... it doesn't work. He'll keep following her around asking her if it was already "later" but she could never get too mad at him cos he was so cute and he was her baby brother.

Peso uses the same strategy to keep both Pinto nand Kwazii from annoying him. He'll just give them a coloring page and crayons and ask them to color him a pretty picture uso he can hang it up for all his patients. Peso has about 100 of these pictures so far, and this is not counting the ones both Kwazii and Pinto flipped over and drew a picture on the back for Peso that he kept.

When Peso first saw the picture they drew for him, he nearly cried and gave both Pinto and Kwazii the biggest hug he could.

The kids can be a nuisance to Inkling when he just wants to read but they're hyper and bouncing off the walls. He's figured out that if he gave them a job to do, they'll spend less time bothering him and more time working on something he needs done.

He always makes sure to reward them for their work. He's even gone behind Dashi's and Peso's backs to give them candy when they behaved for more than a week.

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