Significant Others

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When the kids grew up and brought their... significant others to the Octopod, things ended well, totally did.

Pinto would probably be the sweetest boyfriend ever. He called his girlfriend, who he knew since he was 5 his "boo" and he was a cuddler and would always preen his girlfriend and bring her little rocks as presents.

She often cooed over how cute he was, which made him blush bright red, which she found adorable.

When he first brought her onto the Octopod, everyone was a little wary cos Pinto having a girlfriend made people a little uneasy cos he was growing up so fast. Kwazii and Peso both cried, and then gave each other cuddles to feel better cos they couldn't believe Pinto had grown up so fast.

His girlfriend got along very well with Jane because Jane knew ways to keep Pinto in line, and she loved all the embarrassing stories Jane had about him, despite Jane threatening to "test if penguins could really fly or not" if she ever broke Pinto's heart.

So there is something called the "Law of Tolerable Procreation". that was written before Inkling was born (I know, the age of the dinosaurs!) That was written by speciesist, breedist "doctors" in the 1800s that basically said that "acceptable" offspring are only created when one person makes babies with another person of their same species and breed.

Jane, um, Jane gave that rule a big "f-u, scheisskopf," and proceeded to date a female cat who was a storytime animator like her. Nope, no shame at all.

In fact, they kind of got set up on a blind date by some other animator friends (who's cars they proceeded to fill with ball pit balls as payback for the incident). On the blind date they went on, Jane wasn't familiar with the area, so this woman very kindly walked her home, and then they made another date to meet up and go to a nearby arcade, and from there it went.

When Jane first brought this woman to the Octopod, everyone was a little shocked at first, cos this wasn't who they were expecting, but then everyone decided they all loved her. Dashi and Koshi both congratulated her on putting up with Jane without pulling all her fur out, and Kwazii was delighted to see another cat. She even got off with a simple "don't break her heart" warning from Pinto. Tweak even changed the "no more cats allowed on the Octopod" rule because of her. (You will never guess why it existed in the first place).

Squirt had a girlfriend that he met on a retreat for his science college that Inkling sent him to. She was an East Pacific Red Octopus, which is one of the smartest octopi there are, and on every single day of the retreat starting from the day he met her, Squirt would go and meet her in the ocean, bring his textbooks, and they read the textbooks together. Simply put, she was a nerd like him. A match made in heaven.

He even transferred to a new college closer to the ocean for his "little axolotl" as he called her. He never had the gumption to ask her out on an actual date cos shy, awkward boi, and he needed PINTO to go with him to give him the courage to ask. Whenever he touched tentacles with her, he'd blush and the first time she gave him a tiny little kiss on the cheek, he shot ink in pure surprise, and just froze.

Inkling was a little overwhelmed that his nephew already had a girlfriend when Squirt brought her onto the Octopod for the first time, and she got along with Koshi wonderfully. They both loved to read, and had a lot in common. Squirt still isn't sure how they left the Octopod with half the books in the Donna Doxie series.

Koshi dated a male of her species, but not of her breed who was a cop at the same place she was a part-time detective for.

He was a pure dork, and every single day before Koshi left for work, he'd pretend to "pull her over" and tell her "Ma'am you're under arrest for being criminally adorable, please step out of the vehicle with your arms out and ready for a hug."

And Koshi loved him to pieces. Everyday before she'd go home, she'd always bring him a plastic baggie of his favorite chocolates that they had at the office.

When she first brought him to the Octopod, after the first five minutes of meeting him, Dashi and Tweak gave her thumbs-ups behind his back and went "good job, he's a keeper." He was kind of a chill guy, so when Kwazii threatened him not to break Koshi's heart, he was like "cool, don't make her cry, got it."

The Captain was polite and overly sweet to all his "babies'" significant others because he knew how happy they made his little children, and he consider them good people.

The Vegimals loved them all and all of them loved the Vegimals. No I will not be taking any criticism about this. The babies were over the moon at the idea of more friends to play with, and the kids' significant others thought the Vegimals were the sweetest little babies ever.

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