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Everyone on the Octopod has done something that has left everyone around them shook and wondering what on earth they just witnessed.

For example, all the girls have attempted (or tried to attempt) the high vocalization in "Phantom of the Opera" so far, all of them have only managed to get up to the second note before their voice cracked or they were like "Ah, no that's too high." All the boys have been shaken at the fact that all the lyrics leading up to the vocalization part was flawless, but then once they got to vocalizing, it all fell apart.

The first time Shellington was gently persuaded (forced) into singing karaoke, everyone was blown away by how good his voice sounded. A few notes were off here and there and his pitch was shaky, but wow, he had a great voice. (Kwazii on the other hand...)

Once when Paani accidentally knocked over Peso's medical cabinet and probably broke a lot of important things, once Peso found out, he could not get mad at Paani. In fact, Peso is such a sweet little ball of fluff that all he was worried about was whether or not Paani got hurt (He got a large piece of glass stuck in his tail, but otherwise was mostly unharmed). After Peso bandaged Paani up, he only scolded him for about 5 minutes that he really could've gotten seriously hurt from the cabinet falling.

The little ones are all in awe of all the 'cool' stuff the adults and anyone bigger than them can do.

Pinto, for some reason, is absolutely sure Kwazii is a god of all pirates, and will watch Kwazii do anything with his sweet little beak hanging open in awe from Kwazii battling "sea monsters" (shadows of random stuff) to shoving three kelp cakes into his mouth at once.

All the kids are under the impression that Professor Inkling is the smartest person in the whole world. They all ask him random questions from time to time, and unless the Professor has a reasonable suspicion that no one died, he'll give them an answer.

The kids were shook to the core when they asked him the one question they thought he'd never be able to answer because none of them had a clue, "What was the order of Henry's wives and what happened to each?" Inkling rattled off names, times, and even the circumstances of the marriage and how it ended in child-appropriate detail. Now all the kids are convinced Inkling knows everything there is to know.

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