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Everyone on the Octopod has been insecure about something in their lives, but their "Octo-Family" always reassured them that they were perfect the way they were and they shouldn't change anything.

The Captain is slowly going from a young adult to a middle-aged bear, and because of this, his metabolism has begun to slow down, and his stomach is getting a little fluffier, rounder, and softer than it used to be.

He's embarrassed about it even though he works out and eats healthy, and he's even gone to Peso to ask how he can lose the weight, but Peso only gave him a big hug and told him it was natural that he'd put on a bit more weight, and he and everyone else in the crew would love him regardless. Plus, it made him 10 times more huggable.

Kwazii gets kind of self-conscious and uncomfortable when he's around a lot of serious adults cos he's a huge man-child. He's definitely more comfortable playing with the children at a family gathering than talking with the adults.

Peso is sorta the same way. He's overwhelmed by tall, big people (he was sorta afraid of the Captain at first) and he's extremely insecure when he begins to talk to them because they look so big and grown-up and he looks like a little baby chick. Because of this, he ends up hiding behind the Captain whenever the crew has to go to a social gathering until the Captain coaxes him out and introduces him to someone.

Whenever Shellington is placed in any social situation, he instantly becomes aware of all his perceived shortcomings and he'll usually talk about science with the other person because science is something he feels super confident in. For some reason, cuddling the Vegimals makes him feel better.

Dashi feels insecure about the way she looks from time to time whether it's about her body, her face, her makeup, she always feels like she's falling short of being "beautiful". To Tweak, it's so obvious when her "bestie" is feeling bad about herself, so Tweak will go up to her, give her a big hug and tell her, "You're already so beautiful. You don't need makeup, a diet, etc.)

Inkling feels so insecure about his worth and his place in the Octonauts and sometimes feels like he's worthless. Because of this, one day a week is "Make Inkling Feel Good Day" where everyone will pile into the library and tell Professor Inkling how much he's loved.

Tweak gets very self-conscious when she's put on camera because she knows that she doesn't look perfect, but she feels that she kinda should, but whenever she asks Dashi if she can change, Dashi always gives her a hug and tells her that she looks perfect.

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