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People on the Octopod need to do this a lot. If they don't, they'll explode.

The only exception is Peso and the cute baby Vegimals. 

Peso's too sweet to rant, and will only politely make a suggestion to the person he was "ranting to" of how the person he was ranting about could be better. And he'll feel super guilty about it, and will apologize to both the person he was ranting to in case he "upset" them, and will want to apologize to the person he was ranting about because he was being "too mean". 

The baby Vegimals can only very nicely tell "Daddy Shellydo" how someone was mean to them, and he will first very politely ask them to stop, but if they hurt his babies ever again, he will destroy them. If someone annoys they, they can only very politely go "no mora, pweasa." and that person is not ALLOWED to annoy them any further. The Vegimals are far too cute.

Against all expectations, the kids and Tweak have the most... explicit rants. Tweak's are mostly about (guess who, you'll never guess!) and she'll mostly rant to Dashi about him, and has called him every nasty name in German and Spanish. Dashi has her suspicions who taught those words to her, and a certain little sister was forced to write down on 10 more positive words in German that she could teach Tweak. 

Pinto felt bad about how he got off scot-free cos Peso was his guardian and only gently lectured him, so he too wrote down 10 nicer terms in Spanish and tacked them onto Tweak's wall as well. Tweak thought the whole "solidarity" thing was absolutely adorable and kept both those posters forever.

The kids rant to each other in their own age groups , usually in another language (Koshi and Squirt) (Pinto and Jane) for whatever annoying thing their guardian/sibling (Octopod adopted or biological) did, and none of it is too polite.

Peso is the sweetest person ever to rant to. He'll hear you out, and when you're so angry at whoever you're ranting about that you just want to scream, he'll give you a hug and say, "Shh, I know they hurt you, and I'll bring it up with them tomorrow, but you need to calm down, don't overexert yourself." And he'll give you a precious, warm hug until you feel better, singing a Spanish lullaby to you and calling you his beloved the whole time. 

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