Pros and Cons of Being Small

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As Peso, the Vegimals, and the kids can tell you, being small comes with both pros and cons.

Pro: No one on the Octopod can hate them (except if they're Inkling and the two younger kids wreaked havoc on the library again), and everyone loves their "babies" to pieces.

Con: They're not tall enough to reach a lot of things which makes it far too easy for the guardians to hide candy from the kids, it's far too difficult for Peso to reach the top shelves of his medical cabinet (and he ends up standing on his exam table and around 3 medical books to reach it), and the Vegimals have to make a tower to reach the cupboards or the counter.

Even though they aren't tall enough to reach anything above the counter, the Captain will either get it for them or pick them up so they can reach it.

Kwazii will constantly tease them for being small, but he's always super soft for them, and they can get whatever they want from him if they only give him a hug cos they're his "lil mateys".

The small beans on the Octopod get babied a lot. The kids' guardians still insist on holding their paw/flipper/tentacle from time to time, Shellington still rocks the baby Vegimals in his arms, and all the grown-ups still sit Peso in their lap from time to time.

Height differences can be annoying when someone wants to give their baby a hug, and they have to bend down so far.

Pro: They get unlimited cuddles whenever they want them cos they're so small and cuddly and no one can say no.

Being tiny and light means being carried as much as you like. All the tiny people on the Octopod have to do to be picked up is go up to a bigger person and raise up their paws/tentacles/flippers, and the bigger person will hold them. Unless it's the Captain. With the Captain, they don't need to ask, the Captain will randomly decide his babies need to be carried, and then go and carry them.

The little ones on the Octopod are not allowed to go to sleep late. When one of the adults decide it's bedtime, they'll be rocked in their arms, have lullabies sung to them, have their heads stroked, and get at least 500 kisses.

This also means that they never have to be woken up because they fell asleep in the library or wherever. One of the adults will simply carry their "little one" back to bed and tuck them in

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