For everyone on the Octopod, there's always one thing that no one wants to do whether it's empty the trash or be nice to Kwazii.
Whenever someone needs something that's still in the storage room of the Octopod, someone else will usually go to the extremely dark, creepy looking room to get it. Dashi and Peso hate doing this for obvious reasons while Kwazii can't get enough of it and goes in there to "monster hunt" all the time. (The most interesting thing he's found so far is an old boot)
So now if either of them needs to go into the storage room, they'll drag Kwazii along as a pirate cat bodyguard, and Kwazii takes the job so so seriously (He once mistook a hanging coat as a monster and proceeded to beat the crap out of it so it wouldn't hurt his matey.
Shellington hates heights, and once when Inkling pointed out that they could study some flying fishes from the top of the Octopod, you'll never guess who refused.
Inkling took it well, though. He didn't decide to go out and study them, but he and Shellington still studied them from the windows of the Octopod with mugs of hot chocolate.
Tweak has never wanted to have Kwazii help her in the Launch Bay. (aka babysit a fully grown adult). Whenever Kwazii tries to help her with whatever engineering things she's doing, she always shoved him out of the Launch Bay and yells at him to stay out. She even has a "No Kwaziis allowed beyond this point" sign that she's hung up.
The kids do not want to take naps at all. When Peso thinks they need a nap, he'll ask the kid to come with him to the Sick Bay and have them sit on a bed. Then he calls the Captain to come over.
The kid obviously freaks out a little cos Peso just called the Captain on them, but once the Captain comes, he takes the kid in his arms and rocks them to sleep while singing lullabies, and Peso tucks them into bed.
Nobody wants to say no to the baby Vegimals. Ever. When Tomminow was playing with Shellington's lab equipment, he HAD to stop her, however cute she was trying to be "Daddy Shellydo", he couldn't let her play with his equipment. And he couldn't bear telling Barrot "no" when Barrot asked him to fly from the Octopod all the way to Scotland even though it was impossible.
The Logbook Pt. 2
FanfictionThis is part 2 of the Logbook. If you are new, you DON'T have to read pt. 1