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Everyone on the Octopod loves each other, and would spend every moment of their days trying to make each other feel happy, and would stand by their family through anything.

When a guy approached Dashi in the street and tried to flirt with her and touch her, the Captain pulled out "angry bear mode" and went up to the guy pretending to be all menacing and asked her, "Is there a problem?", and the guy went running as the Captain scooped Dashi up in his arms, carried her to a bench, sat her down, and proceeded to ask her if she was hurt, if she was OK, and if the guy touched her in any way.

Dashi was so scared for that moment, she began to tear up a bit, and the Captain just scooped her in his arms going "Shh, shh, you're going to be alright. I'm here."

When Peso had to eat only liquid foods cos of a big tooth removal surgery, Kwazii couldn't stand seeing his "little penguin pal" sad about it, and decided to eat only liquid foods along with Peso cos he wanted Peso to know he wasn't alone. Soon it morphed into a crew wide thing, and the Vegimals cooked liquid-only foods with plenty of nutrients for everyone.

Whenever anyone on the Octopod looks sad, the baby Vegimals will start to follow them and giving them hugs and kisses whenever the cuties can because they "wuv" them, and cos they don't want them to be alone.

Once when Inkling and Squirt weren't allowed in a restaurant the Captain had paid hundreds of dollars for because of their species, the Captain went "Screw this, we're not eating here!" And they all went to a cheaper, but more tolerant restaurant. 

When Tweak was sad because she didn't think she could see her father over the holidays cos the technology wouldn't work, she cried on Dashi's shoulder for a good while, and when Dashi told the Captain, they changed course to Florida without telling Tweak, and they brought Tweak's father on board the Octopod. 

Tweak was ecstatic and hugged Dashi for so long, so hard.

When Squirt was going to drop out of an honors science college and go to a new one, he didn't know anyone there, and didn't want to go alone, so Pinto actually dropped out of the Medical School Peso had gone to so he could go to Squirt's new school with him, and Squirt would have a buddy.

The same day Jane was going to release her first animated video on Youtube was also the day Koshi was going to send the very first manuscript of her "Sisterly Mysteries" series. At about 4 AM that morning, Koshi and Jane both didn't want to hit Publish/Submit, so they both shut their eyes and hit the button together. And afterwards they had a somewhat silent celebration over the fact that Koshi was on her way to being a bestselling author and Jane was on her way to becoming an acclaimed animator/comedian.

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