Sibling Fluff

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Everyone on the Octopod minus Inkling and the Captain cos grandpa and daddy are siblings, and however much they claim they hate each other, they still love each other and would give their lives for each other.

Peso is the baby for the "Octo-siblings" older than him and the "mom sibling" to all the younger ones. He's the one always on the kids' case about eating all their vegetables and protein and not doing anything stupidly dangerous but at the same time, he loves it when Kwazii puts him on his back and zooms all around the Octopod and when Dashi cuddles him while they watch Disney movies together.

Kwazii is way too overprotective of all his "siblings" from eyeing any male within 100 feet of his "sisters" of the same species extremely suspiciously and pouncing if the man even lay a finger on the girls. This has led to some very awkward moments when he's either pounced on the girls' family or friends cos there was a little "boyfriend misunderstanding". 

All the girls have been furious at him for 10 seconds until he realized his mistake and apologized to both them and the male at least 10,000 times. Even Tweak has never managed to stay mad at him past this point cos he's so genuinely sorry.

The Vegimals are everyone's little baby siblings. They love everyone and everyone loves them. No one can go a day on the Octopod without the Vegimals bringing them a plate of their favorite snacks cos the cuties feared that their 'big brother, big sister, daddy, or grandpa' was hungry.

In return, the Vegimals get all the cuddles, kisses, and love that they want. If the Vegimals were ever hurt or sad, all the Octonauts and every Octo-Agent on the nearest continent would run to their "baby" and try to make them feel better in any way possible.

The kids pretend they hate each other, but at least once a week, you'll catch them doing something nice for each other such as the time Koshi made Squirt a crocheted Thor helmet. It was a bit lumpy in parts and had a hole in the back and the earholes were too small, but Squirt loved it regardless cos his adopted older sister made it for him.

Tweak and Kwazii have insisted that they hate each other and want nothing to do with each other, but once every blue moon, you'll find both of them in the Launch Bay wearing matching sweaters that Dashi made them and having a Mario Kart tournament. 

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