The Endings Of Things

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With the amount of chaos that occurs on the Octopod, not every ending to everything that happens can be good, and not every thing ends gradually. Some things end horribly and some things end so quickly you wonder if it was all a fever dream.

For example, when Min first called Inkling "Inky" in front of the kids, the kids wouldn't stop calling him "Inky" until he threatened to put on a movie for them in their next class period. This sounds good in theory, but this is Inkling. The movie he puts on is around 3 hours long and this is Inkling, so it's a pretty boring movie. No one has ever heard the kids shut up that fast

When Peso was trying to teach the kids how to be polite to own another, he ended up employing Kwazii and Tweak to help. They complimented each other in front of the kids until Kwazii called Tweak pretty. They then proceeded to immediately stay far away from each other for the rest of that day.

No matter what injury you go to Peso with, he'll never ever turn you down. In fact, he'll probably end up keeping you in Sick Bay for the night so he can give you extra cuddles to make you feel better.

Whenever Dashi and Tweak are forcing the other to watch a show and someone (Kwazii...) nearly spoils the show for them. The other who's seen the show will immediately cover the other's ears and refuse to let Kwazii spoil it for them.

Whenever Dashi and Tweak have the slightest disagreement, it always ends in them hugging each other and apologizing cos they love each other so much and don't want the other to feel sad cos of the fight.

The baby Vegimals and sugar never sends well. When the cuties ask for sugar, they're so sweet no one can say no, so they get sugar. When they eat the sugar, they get hyper. And however sweet baby Vegimals are, 12 of them all sugared up is the last thing anyone needs

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