Table Manners

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Some people on the Octopod have some sense of table manners, some, (Kwazii) don't.

Inkling is, well, Inkling, so he knows table manners up and down and he's all over Squirt's case about them too. Inkling even knows how to use like 3000 forks and spoons to eat and doesn't get confused on which one he's supposed to use for what food he's eating.

Even though Inkling is extremely strict on table manners, there's one that Inkling will let slide every time. That one is the napkin has to go on someone's lap; Inkling doesn't care if the napkin goes around someone's neck or on their lap, in fact he wants the napkin to be tucked into someone's shirt/around their neck so they won't get their fronts too dirty.

Inkling and the Captain are the only people who can cut food in the fancy way. The kids, Vegimals, and Peso are guilty of not cutting their food and trying to shove it all into their tiny mouths/beaks or tear pieces off with their teeth because they don't know how to cut it. The Captain will always insist on cutting it for them, or sometimes taking their paws/flippers/tentacles into his paws and showing them how to cut their food. So far he's never let any of them cut food by themselves out of fear that one of his babies would cut themselves by mistake.

The baby Vegimals learned all their table manners from watching Inkling and Shellington. It sorta ended in disaster when Shellington accidentally dropped his algae burger on the floor and all the Vegimals dropped their algae burgers on the floor as well cos "Daddy Shellydo" did it and they thought they were supposed to do it as well.

When Shellington was too shy to ask for a dish that he wanted, he leaned across the table to get it, lost his balance, and fell into another plate of food. This kind of thing is rather common for Shellington.

Most everyone on the Octopod knows basic table manners such as use utensils for food that needs utensils, no slurping, do not try to burp as loudly as you can, etc.

But there are some commonly ignored table manners on the Octopod that are rather concerning, such as "no sitting on the table", "food stays in your mouth with your mouth closed unless it's an emergency (choking, too spicy, etc.)", "no jumping on your chair", "no trying to stab anyone with a fork," and "no screaming and running away from the table."

Pinto still hasn't gotten the hang of not sticking your tongue full of chewed up food out at your friends to gross them out. It works, and it's the one time the kids get to break the "no screaming" rule cos they all yell at him to stop. Then again, all the kids (minus Squirt cos British boi) have been guilty of bad table manners from time to time. 

For Koshi, she's just a little awkward with small stuff like "Don't put your elbows on the table", "Put the napkin in your lap," "ask if you want something instead of leaning over the table," etc. 

Whenever Jane's super hungry, she decides utensils are a waste of time so she just uses her paws, and doesn't care about the mess she's just made. 

Pinto, well, Pinto learned from Kwazii. He and Kwazii have had burping contests on a regular basis, he's told everyone about how a surgery where they cut someone open works in detail (he looked through Peso's books when Peso wasn't looking), he's used his flippers to eat too because he doesn't care either.

Kwazii is probably the worst at table manners out of everyone. He's been known to burp as loudly as he physically could for "fun", he's tried to stuff everything on his plate into his mouth at once, he wipes his mouth with his arm, etc.

An Octopod original rule at the table is "No discussing the Gups" because every single time someone would bring up the Gups, it would always end in Tweak and Kwazii wrestling on the floor.

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