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With so many people on the Octopod including 16 small kids, messes are a little too common.

It's not only the kids and the baby Vegimals. It's also the adults at times.

Whenever Peso eats food, he'll sometimes get it all over his mouth if it's really gooey. The Captain will always wipe his mouth off and kiss his head and tell him, 'all clean!'

 Tweak's workshop and room are so messy, and she keeps wanting to clean them up, but whenever she finishes organizing something, she pulls out something else to work on, eventually, she just gave up trying to make her room look nice, so Dashi took over, and bought her those organization drawers that she labeled and helped Tweak put everything away in. (Tweak even got a reward of carrots for helping her)

Shellington's lab is a disaster so whenever the baby Vegimals walk in and see the disaster that is his room, they'll all come in with tiny brooms and start zooming around the place and try to help him clean up. Shellington will immediately abandon what he's doing and go help his babies. Inkling has walked in on him putting Tunip on his shoulders so Tunip could dust off one of the shelves, and Shellington's baby-talking to his 'son'. 

Kwazii's room looks like it was hit by a hurricane. The Captain walked in to his 'boy's' room to wake him up one morning, and could barely even see the floor due to the amount of stuff lying all over the floor.

The kids are unbelievably messy. Inkling has left them alone in the library for five minutes, and by the time he came back, there were books strewn around everywhere.

The desk in Dashi's room is covered in Koshi's writing stuff. She keeps meaning to clean it up, but when she sees one of her unfinished stories, she decides she would rather finish her story than clean up the mess.

When Squirt reads his uncle's books, there's a 50% chance the book ends up somewhere else other than the bookshelf. Once a book ended up in the cabinet below the sink in the bathroom, how it got there? Inkling has no idea.

Jane will leave stuff everywhere, and I mean everywhere. She was going to turn her homework in to Shellington once when Tweak asked her to help with the engine of a new Gup she was building, so Jane left the worksheet in the middle of the hallway and went to help Tweak. It drives Dashi crazy to no end. 

Pinto makes huge messes cos he's short some of the time. Once when he was trying to reach a bowl of candy on top of the fridge (cos the Captain put it there so the kids wouldn't get it), and he pulled the bowl down, but shattered it so there was candy and shreds of porcelain everywhere. When Peso found out, his first priority was get his little brother away from all the sharp pieces of porcelain, and so he cleaned up the mess, checked Pinto over for injuries, and then started scolding him for breaking the bowl, not realizing that Pinto had hidden like 5 pieces of candy in his scarf.

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