Shortcuts and Life Hacks

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Everyone on the Octopod has at least one shortcut or trick they use to make things a little easier.

Kwazii tries to find "shortcuts" to the closest coral reef or cave wherever they go. Usually these shortcuts end up in him getting so horribly lost he needs to call the Captain to come and rescue him

When he tries to teach Shellington these "shortcuts" cos Shellington's the only one gullible enough to believe Kwazii knows what he's doing, it usually ends in Shellington following a school of fish around and everyone freaking out because they can't find him until he radios them to tell them all about the cool new fishes he found.

The Vegimals learned how to catapult themselves using pots and pans to reach the cabinets they were too short to reach before. Usually, it ends in a Vegimal flying face first into the cabinet door, but once in a while, it'll result in a cute little sprout pulling the door open and getting stuck while hanging onto the door handle.

Tweak has learned that if she puts a picture of a spider on the floor of the Launch Bay, Kwazii will run away from from the Launch Bay screaming and not come back.

There's a fail proof way for any of the crew to get the Captain to give. They simply have to sit beside him and lay their head in his lap or on his shoulder, and the Captain will immediately give them hugs and ask them if they're alright while stroking their heads.

The Captain and Peso know a certain life hack to get Kwazii to eat vegetables. All they have to do is arrange them in the shape of a monster and tell Kwazii he needs to defeat the "Vegebeast" and he'll practically stick his face into the plate and eat all his vegetables.

Dashi and Peso have a certain rule they follow to get some time to watch Disney movies together and not get interrupted by what sounds suspiciously like the kids getting into Peso's medical supplies and/or testing FBI torture techniques on Koshi's and Squirt's toys. Wait until the kids go to bed or give them something to do that'll keep them occupied for 2 hours such as watching Hamilton on Dashi's tablet or letting them "help Kwazii" (aka babysit Kwazii so he doesn't destroy the Octopod while trying to microwave food)

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