Facepalm-Worthy Moments

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A lot of people on the Octopod have done something stupid enough to warrant a facepalm from the person nearest to them at least once or twice, or a million times if their name is Kwazii and they're a cat.

Kwazii has attempted to fight a "sea monster" (that was really a little tiny lobster's shadow) and has run face first into the wall of a cave cos he forgot a flashlight or whatever else they use underwater; the Captain is still insistent that nothing was as bad as the "comedy routine" he did for the hyenas. (Dashi and her sisters get OFFENDED cos the jokes are so bad.)

When Kwazii was teaching Shellington a few pick-up lines so he could impress this female scientist he thought was cute. Kwazii told Shellington to tell this girl, "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven, cos you have the face of an angel." but SHELLINGTON said, "Did it hurt when you fell on your face?" When he corrected himself, the girl thought he was the most innocent, adorable thing ever.

Whenever the Vegimals manage to get themselves stuck in random places like the kitchen vent and somehow, in a picture frame and a bookcase. All of them find the Vegimals the most adorable things on the planet, but now, it's getting a little ridiculous.

All three of the older kids facepalmed when Pinto said OUT LOUD that he thought German came from Austria and all of them pointed out to him that it was in the fricking name.

Something similar happened when Squirt forgot what "aleman" meant in Spanish (hint hint, it's the language "Saumensch" comes from) Pinto gave him a hint by calling him a "dummkopf" (dumbhead) and both the girls facepalmed at how long it was taking him to get it.

Anytime Inkling tries to be "hip" by saying things like, "or as you youngsters say, 'I am YOLO.'" Everyone either leaves the room or has died of cringe minus Peso who only very politely tells Inkling what the word means and suggests a better word to use.

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