Embarrassing Their Parents

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Most of the Octonauts have embarrassed their parents at some time or another. Some (Kwazii...) more often than others.

The Captain's mother was somewhat embarrassed when he and Bianca were wrestling near the water and being loud. All the other creatures in the vicinity were staring at them, so she told her twins to get away from there, and when they didn't (and Bianca pushed the Captain into the water) she proceeded to go back to her den, a bit humiliated.

 Kwazii loved embarrassing his parents (especially his father) as a kitten. When his parents took him to the supermarket as a kitten, he'd ask some of the other shoppers if he could "protect" them from the sea monsters (the display cases) in the store, everyone he's ever asked thought he was the most adorable thing they'd ever laid eyes on, and all of them played along with his pirate game. 

When his parents would find him, the person who he was "protecting" would tell his parents something along the lines of, "Your boy is such a brave pirate!" or "He's such an adorable thing!" His mother's reaction was always to smile and thank them for their kindness and praise Kwazii on being a good pirate while his father would apologize for the inconvenience and reprimand Kwazii for it.

The first time Pogo brought 2 year old Pinto and 12 year old Peso to a party with some of his friends, Pinto sort of embarrassed Pogo in front of some girls when he sat in his big brother's lap and told all the girls (who were taken with him cos he was so cute) that Pogo sometimes takes off his shirt and bends his arms (flexes) in the mirror.

Shellington and Pearl were good for the most part, and didn't embarrass their parents or aunt too much. But Shellington still had a habit of following adults he knew well around everywhere and telling them every fact he knew about some sea creature.

One winter when Dashi was a toddler, her parents needed to go to the bank for something, and Dashi offered to hold hers and her mother's coats to "help", her mother allowed her to, and Dashi went up to her father, tied both coats around her father's waist to make a "skirt" and proceeded to announce to the whole bank "My daddy's a princess!"

When Inkling was around Squirt's age, he and his sister (Squirt's mother) were allowed to play outside the Seamount with the Golden Coral watching them, when his sister picked up a pebble and threw it, he began to lecture her and she got so bored that she put her tentacles over her ears and began screaming for him to stop. So loudly that all the fish stopped to stare.

Like mother, like son: when Inkling first began lecturing Squirt, Squirt would swim away from his uncle screaming. 

When Tweak got dirty from rolling around in mud all day long after playing in the swamp, Ranger Marsh insisted on giving her a bath cos she was dirty, when Ranger Marsh returned home one day after chasing an alligator through the swamp for hours and was dirty and soaked to the skin, Tweak poured her watering can over his head and told him, "You need a bath."

Once when Shellington decided to wear pants (that were a bit too small for him) in public, when he bent over to pick up something he dropped, his pants split, and all the Vegimals began crowding his... backside to get a good look at his underwear with sea stars on it.

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