Most Common Fights

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The residents of the Octopod fight a lot over a lot of things, but there are a few things that cause fights over and over again, especially between two certain people (Kwazii and Tweak).

There are a bunch of stupid reasons Kwazii and Tweak have fought from fighting over whether or not that weird stain on the Launch Bay ceiling was brown or green, whether Shellington or Tracker have a crush on Dashi, whether or not Kwazii's stupid, on and on the list goes.

50% of the time, the fights between people who aren't Kwazii and Tweak are over the toilet paper in the bathroom whether it's the way someone hangs it or why it's all bunched up on the floor. 

Usually if two people have some sort of "disagreement", they get a "third opinion on the matter" (Or they go around the Octopod trying to get as many people as they can on "their" side).

It usually never works with Peso or the Captain; Peso will only give both people sweet little baby hugs and tell them, "I'd rather not pick sides if you don't mind. I think both of you are onto something." while the Captain will hear each one of his "children" out individually and then tell them, "I think both of you have good reasons. Would you like me to help you work something out?"

The kids are pros at fighting over silly things, and then fighting over who started the whole thing.

For example, Squirt and Koshi have a recurring fight over whether Norse Mythology or Donna Doxi books are better. When they try to get one of the younger kids on their side, they usually get this response: "Yeah, no."

The two younger kids fight at least 10 times a day about some dumb thing that they want to fight about from whether or not Kwazii's tail has bones or not to if they hate Squirt or Koshi more. Basically, they fight for fun when they're bored.

The Vegimals can never fight with anyone. Ever. All the cuties love their "Octo-Family" too much and are too sweet to disagree, but it's impossible for anyone to upset the Vegimals anyways, so it's quite rare to run into that problem. 

Whenever anyone ever has a serious disagreement, even if they're still holding a slight grudge against the other person, they'll hug and make up within an hour because they love each other too much and don't want them to be upset.

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