Things That Make Them Cry

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Everyone on the Octopod has a bit of a soft heart, and they'll easily cry out of sympathy for someone else.

For example, the Captain does not cry easily, but if he's watching a movie and a smol innocent baby character dies, he will be shamelessly sobbing cos he imagined it happening to his babies, and he can't bear the thought of anything happening to the most precious things in his life.

Kwazii will deny that he ever cries, but he's probably softer than everyone on the Octopod put together. He's cried when the kids told him they loved him, he's cried on one of Inkling's books when two characters had to say goodbye to each other, he's cried during 'Dos Oruguitas" in Encanto, etc.

He always insists he wasn't crying, and this is often comic relief during the saddest scenes on Movie Night when Kwazii who's clearly crying is insisting that there's dust in his eyes, but Tweak and Peso always give him a hug and tell him it's OK.

Peso will cry if anything bad happens to anyone in a movie. He hates seeing people get hurt (part of the reason he's a medic) and when he cries, the person who's closest to him gives him hugs and lets him snuggle them even if they get a little wet from all his tears.

Peso hates it when any member of his "family" cries and will give them the biggest hug his tiny body can muster and tell them "I'm sorry you're sad. I love you. Don't cry, I'm here."

Dashi and Tweak are the same way. When both of them watch movies, they'll get super attached to a character, and if that character dies, they'll both be inconsolable, and they'll hug each other while bawling their eyes out and try to comfort each other.

Taking care of her two younger sisters, if anything, made Dashi even more emotional when it came to movies and TV shows, and real life too. Before she took guardianship of her sisters, parents killing their children only severely shook her, but now, when she hears of a parent hurting their kids, she's so mad cos these parents got to keep their kids that they did not deserve to have in the first place, and she wishes, if she could, that she could adopt them and raise them as well.

None shook her as much as the Adrianna Hutto case. Basically, a mother killed her 7-year-old daughter with ADHD when the child misbehaved, and once Dashi heard about that case, it shook her to her very core. Why? She's been there. There have been days where she was sure Jane was going to send her to an early grave, and Dashi's yelled at her more times than she's ever yelled at anyone in her life, but she could never imagine laying a finger on her baby.

Shellington cries very easily at times, such as when he's overly tired and someone scolds him. No one can stand to see him cry, and they'll always stay with him and rub his back in circles until he feels better, and when the baby Vegimals find out "Daddy Shellydo" is sad, they'll all rally around him and give him hugs and kisses until he feels better. 

When the baby Vegimals cry, you can bet your favorite stuffed animal that everyone will run to the babies and try to make them feel better in any way they can from Kwazii pulling silly faces to the Captain allowing all the babies to sit in his lap. 

If the babies cry, Shellington will cry, no doubt about it. 

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