Not Functioning

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Everyone on the Octopod has moments where they do not want to function so they'll either do nothing or mess even the simplest things up.

For example, Shellington is incapable of functioning as a normal person the second he sees a rare species. When he's driving the Gups, he usually ends up crashing them because someone got a little too excited over a sea star and wasn't looking where he was going.

When the kids grew up and moved out of the Octopod, it took them 1.5 seconds to realize they had no idea what "mature adults do" and frankly, they weren't too good at being mature adults.

Koshi decided to go and mess up her whole sleep schedule by reading Donna Doxi books until past midnight (cos Dashi wasn't there to make her go to bed) this was when Koshi learned about the magic of caffeine, and it's safe to say she's never going back. Now she needs coffee to be a normal creature in the mornings. (She's tried to write while sleep-deprived, but everything she wrote just came out sounded wrong)

Squirt was probably the most decent out of all of his friends. He only forgot to eat, sleep, bathe, take care of himself, etc like 50 times because he was so busy working. Inkling usually found out, and brought his nephew something he made with the Vegimals, drag him to bed, cover him with a blanket if he fell asleep at his desk, basically everything Inkling has had to do for Shellington.

Jane will randomly decide one day that she doesn't want to be a normal person that day, so she ends up working in her pajamas cos she didn't want to put big girl clothes on, having coffee for lunch, working all night on animation (because she can) and sleeping for most of the morning.

Pinto was very very good at being an adult, in fact, the first meal he ever had as an adult consisted of chocolate, Fruit Roll-Ups, and a whole jar of peanut butter because Peso wasn't there to stop him. The first day Pinto got off of medical school wasn't used to catch up on sleep or anything else useful. On the rare day that Pinto didn't have medical school, he first called Peso, then proceeded to sit on his couch and watch cartoons all day while eating cereal.

After a night of video games, the last thing Tweak wants to do is get up and do stuff, so she just stays in bed eating carrots all day until Dashi goes down to the Launch Bay to give her cuddles or she has to chase Kwazii away from the Gups. Whichever comes first.

Whenever someone isn't feeling well or just doesn't want to get out of bed in the morning, Peso goes to their room and cuddles up to them in their bed and gives them angelic little hugs and kisses while telling them, "I'm sorry you don't feel well. Do you want me to get you anything? Do you wanna come down to the Sick Bay with me and I can cuddle you for longer."

The Captain cannot function properly without sleep. When he doesn't get enough sleep, he will try to carry on with his day as normal, but he'll be tired and he won't be able to do anything properly.

Once when the Captain poured coffee instead of milk into Shellington's cereal for him, then Peso immediately realized that the Captain was tired so he got Kwazii's help and they both dragged the Captain to bed and refused to leave his room until he was asleep, singing the lullaby that Kwazii's grandfather used to sing for him that Kwazii now sings for Peso and the Vegimals whenever they get sad. (Kwazii wasn't too good of a singer but no one could've cared less)

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