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A/N- This is a request from Uniquedoll602 [Thank you! :)]

Everyone on the Octopod has really weird dreams from time to time, and when they wake up in the morning, they're just like "wtf".

The Captain sometimes has dreams of his crew in danger, when he wakes up from these dreams, if it's the middle of the night, he can't help but go to check on each and every one of his "babies" to make sure they're safe. If it's morning, he'll go and find everyone and give them a kiss and tell them he loves them.

Kwazii has a bunch of strange dreams all the time. They range from dancing coconuts on Mystery Island to himself fighting an 8 tentacled tiger while hunting for treasure. It's pretty easy to tell what he's dreaming according to the Captain cos he can usually hear Kwazii sleep-talking from time to time, and it's pretty funny.

Peso sometimes has nightmares, and when he does, the Captain's daddy instincts kick in, and he goes RUNNING to Peso's room to comfort his son. He ends up staying in Peso's room cuddling him until he falls back asleep and checks on Peso like 500 times through the rest of the night. 

Shellington has dozens of dreams about some science he's addicted to, and whenever he has these dreams, the next morning, he'll insist on excitedly telling everyone who'll listen all about it, and it's pretty adorable. 

Dashi used to have insomnia and nightmares, but it got better once she started using headphones. Now whenever she has a nightmare, she goes to find Tweak, who'll cuddle her and assure her that she won't let anything happen to her.

Inkling (in old man fashion) proceeds to forget most of his dreams in a heartbeat, and when he doesn't, he'll obsessively try to decode the meaning of his dreams to try and find what it was trying to tell him. 

Tweak has weird (usually carrot-centered) dreams from time to time. When she has them, she'll wake up, go "huh, that's weird" and go right back to sleep.

The baby Vegimals have the sweetest dreams ever (if the cuties remember them). All the cuties have once ran up to Shellington and told him things along the lines of "I had a dream that I was hugging you and you were so big and fluffy. I love you."

Koshi is the kind of person to get a story idea from a dream, and immediately go and write it down so she doesn't forget. 

All of the kids have had at least one horror-movie-related nightmare in their lives. It usually ends up in them running to their guardian and begging them to let them sleep in their bed with the lights on for the rest of the night. (The guardian usually ends up turning the light off and putting the kid back in their own bed with a kiss on the head and their comfort object, but shh... don't tell them!)

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