Altered Mental States

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Sometimes, people on the Octopod have their mental state altered for whatever reason (wisdom teeth, catnip, etc.) Whenever they do, their family tries to care for them as best as they can.

Once when Kwazii was left alone for 5 minutes, he got into a stash of catnip that Peso and Inkling were planning to make into tea and test all the health benefits. After Kwazii got ahold of the catnip, everyone found him rolling on the floor and purring like he was in total ecstasy.

Peso decided that he was absolutely adorable in this state, and Kwazii was in kitty heaven for a good ten minutes with the effect of the catnip and Peso giving him belly rubs and ear scratches.

When Shellington needed surgery once and they put him under the anesthetic, the side effects lasted for a while. He couldn't talk properly for a while, and he was super sleepy, so Inkling put him on a couch in the library and tucked him in so he could sleep it all off. When he needed something, Shellington could hardly tell the professor what he needed, such as when he wanted a drink, all he could say was "wa-wa."

When all the baby Vegimals found out about "Daddy Shellydo's" surgery, all of them rushed to the library and refused to leave his side. Even when the side effects wore off and him begging Peso to go back to researching worked, the babies still didn't want to leave Shellington.

The first time thee two younger kids could drink alcohol, it was a disaster. The first time the two older kids tried alcohol, they had half a cup of beer each and went, "meh, don't see the appeal".

But the two younger kids drank enough that they woke up the next morning with no recollection of the night before (they made some very suspicious Google searches regarding the reproduction of their species and where an octopus's "parts" were located) and terrible hangovers simply cos they were curious about what would happen.

All Koshi and Squirt could say was, "We told you so." And when Dashi and Peso found out... (They were both over the legal drinking age but this is Dashi and Peso so they weren't too happy)

Dashi had to have her wisdom teeth out, and she was nervous enough that she cried the whole trip to the dentist (fixed with 20 minutes of Tweak hugs) and the dentist had to put her to sleep so they could do the procedure.

Once she was awake, the effects still hadn't worn off. When Dashi's under anesthesia, she's super clingy so when she was sent to Peso until the effects wore off (Kwazii on catnip taught the Captain that people under the influence of any type of mind-altering drug should not be left alone) she and Peso cuddled and he gave her sweet little kisses until the effects wore off.

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