Things Everyone Makes Fun of Each Other For

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The Octonauts and co. are a family, and as a family, they make fun of each other from time to time. 

Tweak constantly makes fun of Kwazii for all the stupid things he's ever done, and there are a lot.

Dashi has once bought Tweak a file cabinet to keep her blueprints in order so she wouldn't loose track of them. The file cabinet was used to hold documentation of everything embarrassing thing Tweak has caught Kwazii doing. There was so much that Dashi had to buy her a second cabinet. 

Meanwhile, Kwazii has a whole drawer full of embarrassing stories of Tweak that he's handwritten. The only problem is that his handwriting's so bad that the only person who can read it is Inkling, who's used to the kids' handwriting, so he isn't too phased by bad handwriting at this point, and Inkling refuses to start drama, so he refuses to read it.

Kwazii instead will make fun of Tweak's ears and the amount of carrots she eats, which sometimes get smacked onto doorframes. Kwazii finds it hilarious, and Tweak's kinda getting sick of being called "Big Bertha" when she's decides she wants to eat an above average amount of carrots. 

Peso and Dashi absolutely refuse to "make fun" of people for anything. Instead, they'll only gently tease people about things, and everyone finds it so sweet, such as them telling Shellington.
"Please be nice to the sea floor the next time you drive."

The baby Vegimals... well, they consider this teasing, "You're not smart, you're a GENIUS!" so they won't be stereotypically making fun of anyone anytime soon.

The adults don't have the heart to make fun of the kids and the Vegimals whenever they do something adorably silly, but they will giggle about it.

Such as the time Tweak asked the kids what Hamilton, Lafayette, Laurens, and Mulligan were drinking in "The Story of Tonight", and the kids made a  bunch of suggestions from chocolate milk to apple cider, and the time Kwazii told the kids about the "Pillow Pillager" who snatches the heads of little kids who sleep on their pillows. The kids ended up sleeping on the wrong end of the bed for three months, but it made a great story for when the kids grew up.

The kids make fun of each other ceaselessly for all sorts of stuff from not remembering which wife is which in Six to who hangs toilet paper which way, but all the kids love making fun of their guardians for all sorts of stuff, especially Inkling for his accent and lectures. Opera music is usually soon to follow and a reminder of something stupid they've done recently.

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