Valentines Day Imagines

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"Patrick, can you go grab me Declan's bottle?" You called in exhaustion.

"One second babe, I'm putting Diana down for her nap." He replied. Declan was still relatively young and here he was for his first Valentine's Day. Diana, being sick, had to steer clear of you and Declan in fear that she spread her sickness. When Diana was sick, she was very difficult to deal with, so it would take her a while to go to sleep.

"Great." You mumbled. Declan started to make his 'I-swear-I'll-bawl-the-house-down-if-you-don't-do-what-I-want' face just as Patrick ran in with the bottle.

"I got it!" He cheered. You smiled and took the bottle from your husbands hand. You popped the bottle in Declan's mouth and diffused his crying face.

"Good job super dad." You teased. Patrick snorted and kissed you.

"I know it's not the ideal Valentine's Day but if Declan and Diana stay asleep we can watch ghost busters tonight." He suggested.

"I'd love that." You smiled.


You sat in class taking notes when you heard the chorus to Stupid Cupid by Connie Francis. Damn, time for candy grams. One of your male classmates came in wearing a diaper and holding a bow and arrow.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" He cheered. You took a closer look at the boy and saw it was Pete Wentz


You rolled your eyes and looked back at your paper. Candy grams were just a way to see who actually cared to buy something for someone, and you didn't think you had anyone to care for you. You kept taking notes until you saw a note and lollipop get placed on the corner of your desk. You looked up at Pete who smirked and winked at you.

"What the hell?" You mumbled, picking up the note to read.

Dear (Y/N),

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Call it what you want

But I need to be with you

Meet me behind the bleachers at lunch ;)

-Your love

You tried to hide the blush on your face and keep you expression neutral. Who sent you the candy gram?

*Time skip brought to you by Pete twerking in his cupid outfit to Red Nose by Sage The Gemini*

You walked behind the bleachers as soon as your math class was over. It was bothering you all day not knowing who sent you the candy gram. When you finally got to the bleachers, you were surprised to see your lab partner, Joe Trohman sitting with a picnic set up in front of him.

"Hey (Y/N)." He smiled. You looked around and then back to Joe.

"I...Am I at the right bleachers?" You asked in disbelief. Joe's smile faltered and he looked down at his lap.

"No, uh, I sent you that candy gram. I'm sorry if I, um, if I wasn't what you expected." He apologized, standing up to leave. 

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