Joe Imagine: What Did You Say?

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"Are you excited for the concert tonight?" You cooed to Ruby.

"Yeah!" She cheered.

"Great! You're excited to see daddy?"

"Yeah!" You smiled and kissed your daughter on the cheek. Tonight was the concert in Madison square garden and you were excited to be back in New York. You always would be a fan of New York for some reason. Your phone suddenly rang so you put Ruby down from your arms to answer it.

"Hello..." You started. Ruby was watching you for a minute before she turned to toddle towards the door. Right before she escaped, Joe came and trapped her.

"Hey you! Where are you running off to?" He asked picking her up and tickling her. Ruby giggled and tried to shy away from Joe.

"No!" She giggled. You hung up the phone and looked at the two of them.

"Come on (Y/N) time to go." Joe smiled.

"Less go gworgeous!" Ruby sighed. You raised an eyebrow at her and chuckled.

"What did you call me Ruby?" You asked.

"Gworgeous." She replied. You looked over at Joe next.

"Boy, I wonder where she heard that from." You asked sarcastically.

"At least when you call me daddy it makes no difference to her." He smirked.

"Joseph! Oh my gosh let's just go." You sighed, blushing.

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