Patrick Imagine: Where Did The Party Go?

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"Thank you for coming Patrick. It means a lot to me that you're here." You smiled hugging your boyfriend.

"It means a lot to me that you're not playing any music. We all know what that does to me." He smirked. You giggled and noticed something that made your whole face light up.

"You're wearing your hand!" You said cheerfully.

"I know how important tonight it for you. I mean, it's not everyday my baby girl gets honored for her work in our city." Patrick said softly. You pressed your lips to his before pulling back.

"I'm gonna go and get my speech ready. Go and wait for me." You ordered, rubbing off in your (favorite color) floor length dress. Patrick chuckled and walked into the main room where everyone in town stood, drinking a glass of wine or water. He grabbed water and waited by the wall.

"Patrick?" A voice called. Patrick turned his head to see your elderly next door neighbor, Mrs. Ginger.

"Hey there, Mrs. Ginger." Patrick smiled, hugging her with his real hand.

"I'm so proud of our (Y/N), doing this city good." Mrs. Ginger said proudly.

"That's my girl." Patrick smiled. When you came out on stage to get your award everyone clapped (I mean except for Patrick. He didn't want his hand flying off).

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Well, in the words of my wonderful boyfriend in the back, 'This city is my city, and I love it.' " You said. Patrick smiled proudly when music filled his ears. He looked around for the source and saw Mrs. Ginger looking for her phone in her bag.

" is up to us to make this city great again!" It was here when you heard a crash and saw Patrick choking the life out of poor Mrs. Ginger.

"Patrick!" You scolded. Patrick froze and turned to you. Everyone watched as you angrily walked over to the now demonic man.

"What the hell? I kept music from the ceremony just for this reason." You growled.

"It was the phone." He grumbled back in his demonic dialect. It was very had but worth it to learn.

"Oh my gosh at least you didn't have the...Patrick, what's that shiny thing on your hand?" You asked murderously quiet.

"Huh?" Patrick asked, trying to act dumb.

"Patrick Martin Stumph, you told me you left the hook at home!" You yelled.

"It was just in case." He grunted, still in demon tongue.

"Great! You ruined this entire night and caused a scene. Everyone's looking at us!" Patrick glared at all the in lookers, who then quickly turned away. You grabbed Patrick by the hook and glared at him.

"We're going" You growled. Patrick nodded out of fear and let you lead him out of the traumatized congregation hall.

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